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Decoding movement

At the Promobilia MoveAbility Lab, we aim to fundamentally understand, decode, and quantify the complex interplay of factors that influence movement in persons with and without motor disorders.

We study this interplay with AI-based algorithms, and with simulations.

Illustrationer på person med rullator och schematisk bild rörelseanalys

Questions we seek to answer:

  • Why do we walk like we do?
  • Why is it that we move differently if we have pain, loss of sensation, balance disturbance, or if we are in a hurry?
  • What happens to our body after an injury?
  • How does our body find new ways to move when old ones are no longer available?
  • How do our muscles and joints change over time, especially after an injury?
  • How does our environment affect the way we move?
  • Can we move or walk better?
Belongs to: MoveAbility Lab
Last changed: May 08, 2024