ReCiPSS - Resource-Efficient Circular Product-Service Systems
Aim and Expected result (for the entire project)
To explore success factors for circular manufacturing systems in two cases where OEMs have different levels control over their value chains: one case with full control, and one case with partial control. The project will achieve this goal through two industry-driven large-scale demonstrators of circular manufacturing systems in two key industries.
Project Leader and IPDD participants
Amir Rashid (KTH IIP) / Mauro Onori (KTH IIP). Johan Arekrans
Project Partners (including Academic partners outside IPDD)
KTH, Bosch, Gorenje, TUD, Fraunhofer, HOMIE, Siveco, CirBES, Signifikant, PDSVISION, Striebig logistique, Masarykova university.
EU Horizon 2020