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Social sustainable public transport: who’s responsible?

Moderated by Malin Henriksson and Jonna Nyberg, VTI
In Mistra Sams, an on-demand service designed to tackle transport disadvantages was tested and evaluated. This presentation raises the issue of whose responsibility such a service is and can be.

Mobility challenges through the living lab app: shaping the notion of citizenship

Moderated by Jessica Berg, VTI

What are the links between everyday mobility, transformation processes, and citizenship? This presentation is based on participants’ own reports in the interactive app (SAMSAS-appen) that was used as part of Mistra SAMS Living lab.

Electrification, biofuels and sharing in low-emission transport scenarios

Moderated by Hampus Berg Mårtensson, KTH

In this presentation, low GHG emission scenarios for the Swedish passenger car fleet are presented, aligned with the national emissions target for the Swedish transport sector. The scenarios are explored with regard to lifecycle GHG emissions, offering a wider scope on emissions than those in the target. In addition, we will explore the use of biofuels and batteries, as well as how much transport that can be accommodated within the set target.

Sustainable Transport Futures 2035 - with focus on the whole transport system and teleworking

Moderated by Jonas Åkerman and Mattias Höjer, KTH

This presentation will explore two scenarios in the year 2035 using a consumption-based lifecycle perspective, including emissions related to citizen’s international transport. One that reflects a continuation of the trend with growing volumes of road and air transport that has dominated throughout the recent decades, and one that is aligned with the Paris agreement. While including several types of measures to reduce GHG emissions, we put special emphasis on the potential of digitalisation to avoid travel by place independent work and digital meetings to avoid business travel as well as mobility services. The results show a potential for reducing total car travel by 15% by carrying out work from the home or nearby work hubs. There are also substantial benefits from efficient use of vehicles and transport infrastructure. Finally, substantially reduced air travel is also a key to target achievement.

Catalytic policy instruments enhancing policy legitimacy for less and slower mobility

Moderated by Claus Hedegaard Sørensen, VTI
A key challenge in the strive towards a sustainable transportation system is to gain legitimacy for measures that support the transformation. This presentation will focus on “catalytic policy instruments” that can help gain legitimacy.

Sustainable images of the future

Moderated by Fredrik Johansson and Mattias Höjer, KTH
This presentation will be focused on results from workshops about sustainable future images with civil society in Swedish cities.

Navigating citizen roles at the border of Living Labs: public actor and researcher narratives

Moderated by Kelsey Oldbury, VTI
This presentation will be focused on results from a series of workshops with local planners on ideas related to citizen participation in transformation processes for sustainable mobility, including the possible role of Living Labs in local policy and planning.

Municipalities and experimentation

Moderated by Jean Ryan, VTI
This presentation will provide perspectives and insights on experimentation and its potential contribution to transformative capacity among public actors.

The rationalities of timetable planning – and its socio-spatial effects

Moderated by Chiara Vitrano, VTI
What are the key practices of timetabling, and what overall goals and values are influential in these processes? This presentation provides insights into methods, tools, and decision processes central to public transport provision.

Shaping sustainable mobility practices: Results from living in the living lab

Moderated by Jonas Ihlström, VTI
What were the key lessons learned when 14 co-researchers tried to halve their car trips as part of their participation in Mistra SAMS Living Lab Riksten? This presentation will focus on overall results, tensions, and frictions for shaping sustainable mobility practices in semi-urban everyday life.

Transdisciplinary transformative knowledge production in living labs

Moderated by Mia Hesselgren, KTH
This presentation will provide insights on the transdisciplinary and transformative research and knowledge production that has been central to Mistra SAMS Living Lab. Also, we will discuss learning aspects of such real-world experimental research.

Co-creation and protective spaces: dialogues with service providers and municipalities

Moderated by Katarina Larsen, KTH
The presentation will share results from workshop activities with actors involved in developing and planning novel mobility services. This includes discussing service providers views of transformation processes, new roles of public actors, reshaping of protective spaces for innovations, and co-creation processes of novel mobility solutions.

Public Co-working – Swedish public agencies exchanging office spaces

Moderated by Peter Arnfalk, Lunds universitet
This presentation will provide insights into the results from an initiative where four Swedish public agencies have reached an agreement to share office spaces with each other. In June 2023, they launched a one-year trial with approximately 30 employees who were allowed to work from another agency’s office closer to where they live.

Perceived Accessibility: Unveiling Inequalities in Transport Justice

Moderated by Katrin Lättman, Gävle högskola, and Lars E. Olsson, Karlstad university
In this presentation, the concept of transport justice is explored through the lens of perceived accessibility. The findings underscore the potential of perceived accessibility as a tool to unveil transport injustices and guide future research and policy-making toward a more equitable transport system.