Lectures (tentative)
- L1 (Mon 26 Aug), Introduction, Martin
- L2 (Thu 29 Aug), Medical Instrumentation, Analog Electronics, etc, Martin
- L3 (Wed 18 Sep), Guest Lecture: Health Informatics, Cubist.eu
- L4 (Fri 4 Oct), Measurement, Accuracy, Statistics, Martin
- L5 (Wed 9 Oct), Project Planning and Group Dynamics, Martin
- L5 (Mon 28 Oct), Introduction Project, Martin
Many labs are done in pairs. You will be assigned a lab partner by us in Canvas. You will swap pair partner later.
Lab 0: Connect the PPG circuit on breadboard
Dates: Aug 27, 28, Sep 2
Work in pair 1
Task: Connect the PPG sensor, LED, and the analogue circuit on a breadboard. Verify the active amplifying band pass filter with calculations and simulation (Multisim Live).
Examination: Demonstrate the circuit to the teacher/assistant. Fill in the Canvas Quiz.
Lab 1: Programming of a wireless sensor.
Dates: Sep 3, 4
Work in pair 1
Task: The task is to make a complete system consisting of an analog medical sensor (from Lab 0), data acquisition, communications, and rudimentary data processing and presentation. You will borrow Micro:Bit hardware and some other hardware. We will start in the computer lab, but you can complete the work at a later time.
Examination: The lab is examined by handing in the solution and demo it to the teacher/assistant.
Lab 2: PCB-design
Dates: Sep 9
Individual work
Task: Use KiCAD to design a PCB for the given PPG circuit. This task can be carried out at home. On Sep 9, there is a booked time slot that can be used for assistance.
Examination: Hand in the final solution in Canvas.
Lab 3: Soldering exercise
Dates: no given dates
Individual work
Task: Solder all the components for the circuit design in lab 2. This can be done in the MakerSpace at your own pace. No time is booked for this exercise. Our MakerSpace manager Linus Remahl will be able to assist you if needed.
Examination: Demonstrate that the PCB works as expected for Linus or a teacher/assistant.
Lab 4: Make a signal generator
Dates: Sep 12, 13, 16, and 18
Work in pair 1
Task: Using a Micro:Bit, generate an electrical signal that mimics a real heart PPG signal. The user should easily be able to select the generated heart rate. This task involves both programming the Micro:bit and analog electronics. You need to make an analog low pass filter. The final solution should be soldered on a protoboard.
Examination: For a teacher, demonstrate on an oscilloscope that you can generate the signal.
Lab 5: Digital filter design
Dates: Sep 20
Individual work.
Task: Using online material and basic programming, do some exercises in digital filter design and implement them.
Examination: Fill in the lab report and upload to Canvas.
Lab 6: Implementation of a complete IoMT health application
Dates: Sep 25, Oct 1, 2, and 7
Work in pair 2
Task: Extend the solution of lab 1 to also send the filtered signal values to an EHR-system based on standard protocols (i.e., HL7 FHIR). Also create a web application front-end to the EHR-backend that visualizes the collected data. Show the curve data as well as the calculated heart rate variation (HRV). We will provide a HL7 FHIR database (based on hapifhir.io). You will need to extend some webpages with new JavaScript code to upload the data and to present the stored data for the doctor.
Examination: Demonstrate for a teacher at Oct 7, 8, or 10.
Lab 7: Basic measurements
Dates: no dates
Work in pair 2
Task: Evaluate the measurement accuracy of your lab 1 solution. Design a measurement study based on measurement theory and statistics. Carry out part of the measurements, compile, analyse, and make a written report.
Examination: Write a report with measurement accuracy results and hand-in in Canvas.
In period 2, a project will take place in groups of about 4 students.
The project is around 7 credits in size and will be defined based on one of the flavours (biomechanics, imaging, health systems). The project goal will be given later, but will be of a practical nature, where the student groups are asked to make a real prototype solution for a problem. The solution needs to be evaluated as well, such as its measurement accuracy if relevant, etc.
Project start: October 28
Seminar 1: November 11
Seminar 2: December 3
Report Deadline 1: December 19
Presentation: January 7 (compulsory attendance for everyone)
Report deadline 2: January 13
Both the groups and the topics will be decided by the course responsible. Students choosing the same flavor will randomly be assigned a group. All groups with the same flavor will do the same project. Each project will have an external “customer”, which you can interact with for more clarity of the project goal.
The projects should be organized with agile/scrum project methods. We will provide a Taiga.io for this purpose. The teachers need to be able access this information.
The project is presented as a live demo (recorded video if live demo is not possible) and a printed poster. The poster must be submitted two days before the presentation day because of printing.
The seminars are used to present the current state of each project. And to discuss problems that you are facing. Informal oral presentations of the current status are expected from all groups at both seminars.
The project must also deliver a written report that describes the project’s aim, design, and results. In addition, relevant ethical and sustainability aspects must be included. There must be one section highlighting each student’s contribution to the report and project. The report should be written in the same style as a final thesis report. Hence, it is advised to use such a template and follow the same structure, unless you have good reasons not to. There is no page limit on the report, but it needs to contain the relevant parts and should avoid unnecessary repetition. Note that usually a long report is not better. A report should only contain relevant parts, avoid unnecessary repetition, and describe everything in a compact and concise fashion. Be sure to present a research question and everything in the report should address that question. Hence, no need to explain a lot of half-relevant stuff.
A tentative report that is 75% finished should be submitted by the report deadline 1. This version is distributed to other students in the course for written peer-review. Providing peer-review feedback is an individual task. Everyone will peer-review one other report.
Ethical seminar
Somewhere in november/december (exact date to be determined), we will hold a compulsory 2 hours seminar on ethical analysis of the projects. A few days before, each project needs to submit 1-2 pages discussing relevant ethical issues related to their project. At the seminar, we will mix students into cross-project groups. Each such group will discuss a single project and will use the submitted document as basis. The summary of the discussions should be written down into a minutes document (to be sent as feedback back to the project). Active participation from everyone is expected.
Individual assignment
At the end of the project, each student must submit a written self-reflection analysis that discusses the following points:
- What knowledge gap did you have before the projects? How did you fill them as part of the project?
- Was everyone equally involved in the projects?
- Did communication within the group work?
- What could you have done to make your groups work even better?
- and more.
Details are provided in KTH Canvas. Deadline individual self-reflection: January 13