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Extraction of cellulose nanofibrils from wood and their application in functional filaments

Project description

My research can be divided in two main projects. One project is dedicated to production of hybrid and composite filaments using cellulose nanofibrils as a main matrix and microfluidic channel as a filament forming equipment. The idea is to introduce a second component with specific properties to target different functionalities. For example, silver nanowires are co-aligned in a channel together with cellulose nanofibrils to produce wearable sensors.

Another project is focused on studying wood digestion and its impact on wood cell structure and composition. For that we want to use specially customized reactor and modern synchrotron facilities, specifically SAXS and WAXS, to record removal of components and structural variations in situ during digestion. The project will also aim to record a 3D image of wood cells after different steps of cooking in different environments using modern 3D imaging techniques, such as 3D Nanotomography.

Project period: 2018 – 2023

Funding: Treesearch, KTH, Södra

Project partners: KTH, Södra

Key publications

Ion-specific assembly of strong, tough, and stiff biofibers, N. Mittal, T. Benselfelt, F. Ansari, K. Gordeyeva, S. V. Roth, L. Wågberg, L. D. Söderberg, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019

Cavitation Fibrillation of Cellulose Fiber, J. D. Rdlinger-Pohn, M. Petkovšek, K. Gordeyeva, M. Zupanc, A. Gordeeva, Q. Zhang, M. Dular, L. D. Söderberg, Biomacromolecules, 2022