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Studying in another country and interacting with people of different nationalities and backgrounds makes you improve both professionally and personally

Nicolò comes from Italy and has a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Padova. He has played rugby for 18 years, works as a ski instructor during the winter season, and he spends every day of his life listening to music!


Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

My biggest dream is to work in the sports industry. To get one step closer to my goal, I wanted to study abroad and specialise in an area that combines engineering with sport. Although this programme was brand new, I decided to study at KTH because of its excellent reputation.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

The environment is extremely stimulating, and there is the constant possibility of a debate with your peers. Our group is not very large, so we help each other a lot, and good friendships have been developed.

What are your favourite courses thus far?

I really enjoyed the Sports Technology and Biomechanics of Human Movement course, although I can't wait to start the Product Design in Ergonomics and Sports course and the Applied Machine Learning and Data Mining for Performance Analysis course next semester.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

The KTH approach is very different from the university I came from, with many workshops and projects aimed more at learning by doing, rather than only relying on books. Moreover, most of the teachers are incredibly open to dialogue and collaboration with the students.

How is student life in Stockholm?

Living on campus or in student areas means you are in constant contact with many students from all nations. Socialising is less easy outside of these environments, but you can still make good friends. Stockholm is huge and captivating, and there are tons of things to do. In my first two months here, I did something different every day!

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

I think that living and studying in another country and interacting with people of different nationalities and backgrounds makes you improve both professionally and personally.

What do you want to do after graduating?

I'm considering whether to continue studying and take a Ph.D. or start working. In any case, my goal is to work in the R&D sector in the sports industry: enhancing performance by improving the equipment truly fascinates me.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for their master’s studies?

Studying abroad and away from home can be a decisive step in a person's life. If KTH is your choice, try to seize every opportunity you are given. KTH is one of the best universities in the world (98th in the world ranking, 33rd among technical universities), its facilities are top notch, and there are countless opportunities to emerge and really stand out.

If you are used to sunny and warm weather, the autumn and winter climate here might be a bit challenging. But with the right clothing and some vitamin D, you will be OK!