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"The best thing is the wide spectrum of courses and specialisations to choose from"

Ashutosh comes from India. His home university is Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur. He likes listening to music, playing football and computer games, reading.

What made you choose KTH, Stockholm and Sweden?

KTH ranks amongst the top 20 universities in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the world. The Information Science and Engineering department has great professors with active research in many exciting areas. I had a general idea of what subject areas I wanted to explore before coming, and I could find professors working in each of those areas.

Another thing I came to know was that a lot of research at KTH is in close collaboration with industry. This is thanks to Stockholm being the host of so many tech companies and startups. It has been labelled as the startup capital of Europe based on startup valuation per capita.

Stockholm is also a great city for students. The majority of the population can speak English fluently. All of this made KTH the perfect place for me to explore my interests and to learn new things. Winning the KTH Master’s Challenge 2017 further sweetened the deal for me.

What do you like most about your programme?

The best thing is the wide spectrum of courses and specialisations to choose from. Because of this, the programme attracts very talented students from all over the world with varying academic backgrounds. This has turned out to be a great opportunity for me to make great friends and to learn from their experiences.

What do you like most about KTH?

I really like how the evaluation in all of the courses focuses on the application and a deep understanding of the subject. This is achieved through five hour-long open-book exams, lots of projects and assignments, participation in seminars, etc. KTH also gives students the opportunity to retake the exams, so this incentive is always there if one wishes to improve their knowledge of a subject.

The campus is beautiful, and a simple stroll around the campus can be relaxing. There are plenty of places to study, be it alone or with a group.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

My experiences in Stockholm have been very positive. People always seem willing to help if you ask them. Lost in the city and phone out of battery? Feel free to ask anyone passing by and most people will happily show you the way. There are plenty of football fields, running trails through woods, and beaches to relax and swim at. The city has beautiful architecture. I have been in Stockholm for over a year and still haven’t been able to fully explore the city.

What is your best memory from your time at KTH so far?

My best memories have been from the arrival week at KTH. Getting to know the Swedish culture and exploring places in Stockholm with a great mix of students from diverse backgrounds was fun. The most memorable among those is the night we spent at Osqvik playing games, dancing, and singing songs while sitting around the bonfire.

Are there any differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

One major change is the rise in expectations from students. We are expected to invest a lot more time regularly during the semester working on homework. Many courses in our programme are also starting to implement the flipped classroom model, where students are supposed to read/watch the material before the lecture, while the lecture focuses on active participation. The evaluation methods are also different, which I have already discussed earlier.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

KTH is a wonderful university, and pursuing a master’s here will be a big step forward in your career. It has a great culture that emphasises making you better at learning new things, rather than just teaching you new things. There will be many career prospects by the end of your time here. Sweden is a great country to live in, with high living standards.

Once you have made the decision, be mindful of the deadlines and apply on time. You should also search and apply for scholarships. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.