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"I am impressed by the vast amount of research conducted at KTH"

Svetlomir comes from Bulgaria where he got his bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering at Technical University of Sofia. In his spare time, he listens to music, watches movies and swims. He also likes to explore Stockholm and visit new places such as museums, parks and cathedrals.

What made you choose KTH and your programme?

After my bachelor’s I was looking for a different experience for my master’s. I always have had interest in the Nordic countries. My friends and relatives who live here gave me very positive feedback about Sweden, and I decided to combine exploring the North with my studies. KTH appeared first in the list of technical universities in Sweden, and I was fascinated by the excellent global reputation of this university - at that time School of Electrical Engineering was placed 16th in the world.

I found with ease a programme which matched perfectly with my interests, academic and professional background. Moreover, the Network Services and Systems programme has an Enterprise Track which provides the student with a different point of view on how enterprises work, which is something that I have never seen elsewhere.

Finally, I knew that everyone in Sweden speaks English and that is something crucial for an international student.

What do you like most about KTH?

I am impressed by the vast amount of research conducted at KTH. If one wants to be a researcher, KTH is a perfect place! I also like that all teachers are extremely friendly and helpful. One can find a plethora of various attractive events and activities organised by the Student Union or the chapters, which are perfect opportunities to meet new people. I find that the connection between KTH and the industry is really close.

What’s unique with your programme?

I like the freedom which I was given to shape my studies according to my interests. I did that in such a way that meant taking as many project courses as possible, that in most cases are done in groups. I appreciate this highly, where we get to do something practical.

Moreover, I am working on a case study in a real consultancy firm where I meet and work with experienced engineers from the industry.

Tell us more about your favourite course so far.

My favourite course so far is Building Networked Security Systems. It is the second one of a set of three security courses. Students can apply the acquired knowledge from the previous course - Network Systems Security.

In BNSS students form groups of four and have to design, build and test an enterprise networked security system which at the end is presented and graded by the teachers. One thing which I liked the most is the freedom to decide the learning/building pace. My group passed the course with an A and soon I am going to study the last course of the set - Advanced Networked Security Systems.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Stockholm is a cosmopolitan city. It is adorable because of its architecture, great parks and cleanliness. One can always find a calm place to relax and enjoy the nature after an exhausting day. The public transport in Stockholm is excellent; there are various means of transportation and people can travel fast and reliable.

Sweden is an environmentally friendly country where people do care about nature. There are a lot of beautiful places where one can go hiking, skiing or exploring.

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

My best memories at KTH are from the days surrounding the International Reception when I started my master's studies. I was fascinated by the various events and activities organised by the Student Union and the Electro Chapter.

I participated in many of them and had the opportunity to visit beautiful places and meet people from all around the world. These events and activities help new international students to socialising a lot faster.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

Here at KTH, I can say that the teachers put more attention to details, which I highly appreciate. I also noticed that the teachers do not teach you, rather they guide you, which makes youself responsible for your own learning.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

KTH is an excellent place where high-quality education, beautiful environment and excellent student life meet each other. In case that you want to experience exciting moments while you improve yourself, then definitely KTH is what you are looking for. If you have any questions or need further information, do not hesitate to contact me!