Travel reports 2022-2023
Take part in KTH students' field studies experiences in low- or middle-income countries. On this page, you will find travel reports from students on field studies in the study year 2022-2023.
Study year 2022-2023
- Argentina, William Ivegren & Jonathan Schiött (Industrial Engineering & Management 300 hp) (pdf 3.7 MB)
- Bolivia, Halvor Solheim Haugen (Energy and Environment 300 hp (pdf 71 kB)
- Bolivia, Noel Arancibia Holm (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 194 kB)
- Botswana, Dominik Andraszek (Media Technology 300 hp) (pdf 531 kB)
- Botswana, Ellinor Danielsson (Industrial Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 185 kB)
- Botswana, Jenny Ekman (Industrial Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 1.2 MB)
- Brazil, Mohammed Rafid (Industrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 971 kB)
- Colombia, Isabel Nilsson Alarcón (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 1.3 MB)
- Colombia, Johan Hedstrand Welander (Engineering Physics 300 hp) (pdf 1.4 MB)
- Colombia, Linus Rodin & Simon Höglund (Industrial Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 156 kB)
- Fiji, Felix Askenberger (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 112 kB)
- Fiji, Paulina Drugge (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 133 kB)
- Fiji, Ronja Alexandroff (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 385 kB)
- Fiji, Tilda Eklund & Anna Fredén (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 638 kB)
- Fiji, Victor Renefalk (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 111 kB)
- Ghana, Elsa Winge (Real Estate and Construction Management 120 hp) (pdf 102 kB)
- Ghana, Emma Johansson (Real Estate and Construction Management 120 hp) (pdf 538 kB)
- Ghana, William Ljungström Armah (Civil Engineering and Urban Management 300 hp) (pdf 421 kB)
- Ghana, Jonna Halonen (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 1.0 MB)
- Grenada, Lina Bengtsson (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 78 kB)
- Grenada, Sofia Herjevik (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 329 kB)
- Grenada, Theodor Halldin (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 108 kB)
- Grenada, Wed Al-lami (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 146 kB)
- Kenya, Rahel Zeru (Industrial Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 380 kB)
- Lebanon, Khadija Ali (Urban Planning and Design 120 hp) (pdf 2.4 MB)
- Mexico, Katie Haidar & Samantha Johansson (Industrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 3.1 MB)
- Mexico, Sara Hailu (Industrial Engineering and Management 300 hp) (pdf 486 kB)
- Mozambique, Annika Fredin (Industrial Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 85 kB)
- Mozambique, Emilia Säll Magnusson (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 1009 kB)
- Mozambique, Emma Lindvall (Enery and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 62 kB)
- Mozambique, Julia Ramm (Integrated Product Design 120 hp) (pdf 140 kB)
- Mozambique, Melchior Hahn (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 402 kB)
- Mozambique, Milton Ndiaye (Industrial Managment 300 hp) (pdf 58 kB)
- Peru, Tom Rupert Göransson (Mechanical Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 507 kB)
- South Africa, Alma Hammarberg (Industrial Management 300 hp) (pdf 301 kB)
- South Africa, Agnes Ritzer (Industrial Management 300 hp) (pdf 53 kB)
- Tanzania, Elin Wahlström (Civil and Architectural Engineering 120 hp) (pdf 320 kB)
- Tanzania, Elizabeth Brandén (Mechanical Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 162 kB)
- Tanzania, Emil Tiger Lundell (Biotechnology 300 hp) (pdf 993 kB)
- Tanzania, Felicia Långström (Civil and Architectural Engineering 300 hp) (pdf 363 kB)
- Tanzania, Louise Andersson, Julia Fredriksson, Rebecca von Essen, Michaela Mark, Johanna Rhodin (pdf 4.6 MB)
- Thailand, Alma Ek (Industrial Managment 300 hp) (pdf 88 kB)
- Thailand, Axel Lund (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 173 kB)
- Thailand, Caroline Wahlberg (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 175 kB)
- Thailand, Filip Borgström & David Sigge (Industrial Managment 300 hp) (pdf 675 kB)
- Thailand, Leontina Walldén (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 112 kB)
- Thailand, Mattias Malmberg (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 132 kB)
- The Philippines, Anokina Marcos, Ioana Cosaceanu (Design and Product Development 300 hp) (pdf 66 kB)
- The Philippines, Erik Readwin (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 60 kB)
- The Philippines, Felipe Vidal (Design and Product Development 300 hp) (pdf 306 kB)
- The Philippines, Ivana Söderholm (Energy and Environment 300 hp) (pdf 2.4 MB)
- The Philippines, Tufva Linde (Mathematical Statistics 300 hp) (pdf 1.9 MB)