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Kitchen Talks 2022

Mistra SAMS Kitchen Talks is a series of informal webinars where we present ongoing research from the program and our partners.

Upcoming talks

Strategic planning in times of experimental governance – on institutional conditions and capacities with Kelsey Oldbury and Jacob Witzell, VTI.

Using theories on experimental governance and institutional capacity, we explore how experimental settings with transformative ambitions (such as Mistra SAMS) relate to and influence institutional contexts and established planning roles and capacities.

This framework is applied to study the relationships and linkages between (1) a situated “living lab” designed to test solutions for sustainable and socially just mobility and accessibility in a semi-urban neighborhood in Stockholm, (2) the institutionalized, “every day” strategic and operative planning and policy making framework and processes of local and regional authorities, and (3) how these relationships link to ambitions of transformative climate governance.

The talk is in English.

Previous talks

September 21st 12.00-13.00

The talk is held on Zoom.

Cities as test beds - challenges and opportunities to use innovation projects in the public sector with Erica Eneqvist.

Today cities are often used as test beds to solve various societal challenges. It places demands on a developed management and organization of the work but also on public values, which only public actors can handle. During the webinar Erica Eneqvist, who recently completed her PhD at KTH, will share her research on why innovation projects are challenging for municipal administration.

The talk is in Swedish.