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Kitchen Talks 2020

Welcome to the new, online version of Mistra SAMS Kitchen Talks!

This fall we will continue with our popular Kitchen Talks series and host a number of informal seminars and presentations. The pandemic allowed us to develop a digital format of the talks, making them even more accessible. Hope to see you in our virtual kitchen!

Dates and Topics

9 december 11:00-12:30

Current research on e-scooters' impact on urban mobility - three perspectives


  • Adinda Smaradhana Rachmanto - "The Impact of E-scooters in Stockholm Public Spaces"
  • Marcus Miller - "Can electric scooters cause a transition towards sustainable mobility in Stockholm?"

  • Liridona Sopjani - "Connecting the dots: what e-scooter services can teach us about complex urban systems?"

Date: TBA

Jacob Witzell, VTI

”Assessment tensions – marginalization of climate mitigation futures in long-term transport planning”

Date: TBA

Bhavana Vaddadi, KTH (ITRL)

Topic: TBA