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Xiaoqing Li nominated to AcademiaNet

Published Mar 23, 2022

AcademiaNet works to increase the proportion of women in leading positions in the research world. The database contains over 3,200 well-qualified researchers nominated by European research funders and academic institutions. This year the Swedish Research Council suggests 274 Swedish women to the database. Xiaoqing Li, Materials Science and Engineering, is one of them.

Xiaoqing Li, researcher at Materials Science and Engineering.

”I believe this kind of initiative is very important and needed in academia”, says Xiaoqing Li . ”Female researchers are still underrepresented in leading positions”. 

The initiative helps decision-makers to find suitable candidates for different assignments. Universities and research funders can, for instance, search for experts, speakers and members in various research fields. Now The Swedish Research Council nominates 274 new female researchers to the database, including 15 researchers from KTH.

Xiaoqing, what does the nomination say about you as a researcher?

”It is a recognition of my research and can make me more visible and accessible for various positions. As a young researcher, receiving this honour also encourages me to continue my research”.

”According to the Swedish Research Council, most nominees have received funding from the Swedish Research Council or Formas and have got very high marks in their application. I have been awarded two research grants from the Swedish Research Council before, which probably led to the nomination”.

What is your research about?

”My research mainly focuses on investigating mechanical properties of metallic materials, such as steels, using computational tools.”

How will you celebrate?

”Ha ha! Cook some delicious Chinese food”.

Belongs to: Materials Science and Engineering
Last changed: Mar 23, 2022