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Science books for everyone everywhere at the Forskartorget

3 people on a stage talking with a  presentation screen behind them
Published Sep 28, 2022

On Friday 23 September, Lars Geschwind participated in Forskartorget and talked about scientific books.

About Forskartorget

Forskartorget is a forum for universities, colleges, foundations, authorities, companies, organisations and book publishers to present an interdisciplinary and popular science programme.

Forskartorget is the largest arena for popular science at the Book Fair. Here, leading researchers present the latest research findings in fields ranging from social sciences to history, literature, languages, medicine, technology and education, often linked to a book.

Science books for everyone everywhere

Open access to books is far behind open access to articles. This slow development is visible everywhere, not just in Sweden. The publishing landscape for scholarly books is complex and multifaceted. But recently, monographs and anthologies have gained more prominence in the international discussions on open access and several new initiatives have been launched. Is the time finally ripe for open access to books?


Lars Geschwind , Professor of Engineering Science, KTH, Sonya Petersson, PhD in Art History, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, Annika Olsson, Publisher and Editor, Nordic Academic Press and Katarina Wiberg, Kungliga Biblioteket.

Belongs to: The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences
Last changed: Sep 28, 2022