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Successful summer school on Cyber Physical Systems

Published Jun 17, 2019

Participants from all over Europe came to KTH to learn more about and discuss Trustworthy Highly Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) at a summer school arranged by KTH and Halmstad University the 10th to 14th July.

CPS integrate computation, networking and physical processes to provide products and services that are autonomous, intelligent, connected and collaborative and the topic is very relevant and timely as CPS become smarter and more autonomous.

The event gathered the most prominent leaders in the field to make the week one of its kind with the latest insights and knowledge. 7 invited external lecturers were complemented by 5 invited KTH faculty.

“An exceptionally well organized and most enjoyable summer school”, Prof. Walid Taha (organizer of CPS summerschools at Halmstad University, said and was seconed by a participant from Austria:

“It was a really, really good summer school – perfectly organized. The talks and speakers were well selected, the schedule was thought-out in terms of sequence of the talks and most importantly - the food was good”, said Birgit Schlager from Virtual Vehicle Research Center in Graz.

Text: Anna Gullers

Page responsible:Infomaster at ITM
Belongs to: Engineering Design
Last changed: Jun 17, 2019