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Students show smart products during digital "Kexpo"

Stefan Ståhlgren with his students
Published May 13, 2020

A vacuum cleaner that takes very little space, a harness for figure skaters and a ladder for stairs - these are some of the student projects at this year's "Kexpo", an exhibition that this year will go - surprise - digital!

If, in February, Stefan Ståhlgren, had been asked what "Kexpo" is, he had told us about the increasingly popular student exhibition, shown annually at KTH entré. There, KTH students mingle with upper secondary schools and various companies and industrial design agencies while presenting their projects, creating new contacts and confirming that KTH is at the forefront.

Stefan Ståhlgren

“Well, it’s not going to look like that this year. But we’ll have a digital Kexpo instead, where each project has its own project page on the internet with pictures, descriptions and posters. And instead of physical models there will be extra nice digital models", says Stefan Ståhlgren, teacher in Industrial Design.

Admittedly, they won’t have the dynamic effect from real meetings, says Stefan Ståhlgren, but the advantage is that the exhibition will be out all summer and get more exposure.

Kexpo is a exhibition of degree projects and bachelor's projects from three different programs from the Department of Machine Design.

About a hundred first-year students from the Industrial Design and Product Developement program have all worked on the same task: to design a game pad for the startup company Kieszen.

The third-year students round off their bachelor’s degree programme with projects together with different companies, often with a given assignment.

“It is important that we showcase what we do at KTH, show that our education is interesting and relevant and is in the forefront. We want to make students think big. Maybe it is a combination of two existing inventions in different industries that can be merged and revolutionize a third? ”, says Stefan Ståhlgren.

And anyone who remembers that the benches in the gym always had to be hooked on the bars beside each other instead of facing one another, should not miss how to solve that problem - check out Kexpo online from May 19.

Text: Anna Gullers

Page responsible:Infomaster at ITM
Belongs to: Engineering Design
Last changed: May 13, 2020