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Students Ida and Nelly complete their Masters in collaboration with K-ULF

Portrit photo of Ida Fantenberg Niklasson and Nelly Wannberg
Published Feb 02, 2022

Ida Fantenberg Niklasson and Nelly Wannberg have during the autumn of 2021 completed their final degree project, at the program Master of Science in Engineering and in Education at KTH. The degree project was carried out as a practical collaboration within the K-ULF project.

Planning for de-ritualization when teaching with GeoGebra.

From the start of the degree project, we were both interested in doing work that was about the digitalization of mathematics teaching. We contacted the K-ULF project and from there we developed our questions in consultation with some high school teachers in mathematics

You can read more on their blog post here on ULF ( (In Swedish)

Here are three quick questions and answers about our experiences.

What do we take with us from the master thesis into working life?

Ida - A better time perception of a larger work. Both how little and how much time some things take, but also the importance of discussing with others to move forward.
Nelly - It will be exciting to take the teacher's guide out on the classroom floor and test it with students.

If we were to do the master thesis, what would we have done differently?

Ida - I wanted to hold more focus groups and talk to more teachers. It was both rewarding and fun to be a moderator!
Nelly - I had wanted to angle the work to enable student participation in the surveys that were done. It will instead be a work for further research!

What is our best memory from the collaboration with K-ULF?

Ida - All Monday mornings spent on zoom, with interesting discussions and a lot of inspiration from all teachers!
Nelly - To participate in K-ULF's activities also outside the framework of the dissertation and discuss, among other things, practical research and VFU.

Belongs to: The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences
Last changed: Feb 02, 2022