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Sri Lankan partners visit at EGI

Visitors from Sri Lanka
Published Oct 25, 2022

During the first week of October the Sri Lankan university partners in the EUSL project were visiting KTH. The Department of Energy Technology offered the long distance guests a packed program.

EUSL Energy  is an EU funded project enhancing the capacity building between Europe and partner countries. The Department of Energy Technology is part of the project of circulary economy in energy since 2020.

During the first week of the October university partners from Sri Lanka visited KTH.

The group consisted of University Vice Chancellors, Professors and University lecturers and the visit started off with a round tour of KTH. They were shown attractions such as the KTH Library, the radio tower visible on the north-eastern side of the main courtyard from where Sweden's first television broadcast was transmitted, the Fylkesalarna, where one of the most powerful computers in Sweden hidden behind the parking lot close by etc.

The welcome session was attended by the Sri Lankan Ambassador in Sweden, welcoming the group to Sweden. The visitors had fruitful workshops with the Equality Office on JML in education, they met the International office sharing their immense experience on running joint EU projects, the KTH Student Union (THS)  on how much power is wielded by the Student Union at KTH. Moreover the group had the chance to visit the KTH Live-in Lab  as well as the remote labs at the Department of Energy Technology . They were also introduced to the KTH Climate Action Center and Circular Economy Initiatives .

One of the key outputs of the EUSL projects is a master of science program with flexible study paths (stackable master). The idea is to enable both conventional learners (university students) and unconventional learners (life long learning groups) to take part of the stackable master program based on what one is in need of learning exactly and having different exit and entry points where the learner is able to decide which level of certificate that they would like to reach (module level certificate, lesson level , topic level or master program level certificates). The other important aspect of this project involves the co-creation of courses among the partner universities in the project.

The partners of the EUSL project

1. KTH, Sweden
2. Univeristy of Twente, Netherlands
3. Centrale Supplec, France
4. Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
5. University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
6. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
7. University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka
8. Explore Energy AB, Sweden
9. Learnify AB, Sweden
10. Future Learn, UK

EUSL Energy news

Page responsible:Oxana Samoteeva
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Oct 25, 2022