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Money to digitize the industry

Published Nov 29, 2023

Vinnova grants KTH and three other universities SEK 25 million for ADAPT – a new business model for industrial skills development.

The need for advanced skills development and lifelong learning is great – and increasing – especially in the rapidly growing areas of advanced digitalization.

KTH, together with Chalmers, Linköping, and Örebro University, will develop a new business model for skills conversion in industry and the public sector through the ADAPT project.

Portrait Mattias Wiggberg
Mattias Wiggberg, Researcher at INDEK, KTH.

”Both industry and universities and colleges are struggling to meet the demand for skills development. However, several policy-related barriers, including funding, legislation, culture, and incentives, create challenges to making this a reality," says Mattias Wiggberg , KTH, who leads the project.

The project aims to explore and test the opportunities that a changed policy could contribute to the supply of competence development for advanced digitalization.

”By creating a policy lab for advanced digitalization, we can qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the effects of various policy changes in the higher education sector. Gradually, we can build a new, functioning business model for skills development," continues Mattias Wiggberg.

Text: Anna Gullers

About the project ADAPT

Vinnova  finances the project, and it runs until 2027.

Fredrik Heintz (LiU), Ulrika Lundqvist (Chalmers), Amy Loutfi (OrU), and Jan Gulliksen  (KTH) are behind the application together with Mattias Wiggberg  (KTH). In several projects, the members have created innovative competence initiatives and contributed to the large initiatives on digital excellence that are ongoing nationally.