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Novel Mechatronics-Twin Framework based on Stewart Platform

Published Nov 01, 2021

Within the EU H2020 project SocketSense, a novel mechatronics-twin framework has been developed to integrate advanced biomechanical modeling and simulation capabilities with the support for physical testing by a Stewart Platform for effective exploration of operational behaviours of prosthetic sockets with amputees.

The use of a prosthetic device aims to restore the ambulation and self-esteem of an amputee as much as possible. The major components of a trans-femoral prosthesis include socket, suspension, knee joint, pylon and feet. Among these components, the socket serves as the interface between the residual limb and the prosthesis. It must protect the residual limb and appropriately transmit the forces associated with standing and ambulation.


The mechatronics-twin frame-work serves as an analytical replica for revealing complex operational interplay between the amputee, the prosthetic device and the prosthetic socket, allowing both virtual and physical replications of the device. The virtual replication is supported by Bio-mechanical modelling and simulation, and Finite Element Analysis. The physical replication is supported by 3-D printing and prototyping, and physical testing by Stewart platform.

You can read the whitepaper here:

The SocketSense project aims to develop an innovative prosthetic socket system through the integration of advanced sensing, data analysis, AI methods, embedded platforms and cloud computing. You can read more here:

Page responsible:Infomaster at ITM
Belongs to: Engineering Design
Last changed: Nov 01, 2021