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In memory of Peter Kjaerboe

To our colleague and friend

Peter Kjaerboe
Published Oct 19, 2020

Our colleague and friend to many of us Peter Kjaerboe has passed away September 2020. Researcher, innovator, civil engineer and an inspiring person has left many good memories behind him.

Our friend, colleague and innovator Peter Kjaerboe has passed away. Peter was working as a researcher at the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration, at the Department of Energy Technology at KTH. At the same time, he was intesively involved in the innovational work for and oudside academic world. Peter has had a few patents registered, mainly within building heating and specifically, solar heating. Peter also has been interested and applied for a patet in the topic of inproving water quality in the Baltic sea.


One of Peter's main interests were people and dialogs. He was always open for other's ideas, no matter where these were coming from. We, with warm feeling in our hearts, remember our meetings at the Department, where Peter was argumenting his observations and ideas that could improve systems' performances. Peter was focusng on sustainability in its different forms and may be that is why solar energy was particularly close to Peter's heart.

Peter was as well involved in creating and teaching in the courses of the International Program for Master Students "Sustainable Energy Engineering".


Another result of Peter's genuine interest to share knowledge through demonstration of a working concept was his active participation in KTH Live-In-Lab, where he was a constant source of inspiration.


We had many interesteng and precious moments with Peter by the coffee table, where many discussion topics came from him and where many of us got new inspiring ideas to develop. Apart from being a source of brilliant ideas, Peter also was an incredibly nice and humble person. This is why we, with greatest feeling of loss and deep grief, realise now that these golden moments are gone and will never return again.

Peter, rest in peace. The humanity has actually become better thanks to you existence in this world.

Kolleagues and friends at the Department of Energy Technology,

through Björn, Erik, Hans, Jaime, Joachim, Jonas, Jörgen, Peter

The original in Swedish can be read on the Swedish version of this page

Page responsible:Oxana Samoteeva
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Oct 19, 2020