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Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences: Enhancing Higher Education 2024

Group of people sitting in the KTH library holding on to cushions
Published Jun 05, 2024

Learning in Stem in collaboration with the International Relations Office, recently hosted a week-long in-depth programme aimed at equipping educators and leaders from around the world with tools to lead change in their institutions. This initiative, ongoing since 2016, has trained over 370 participants from 19 countries, fostering a "train-the-trainer" mindset to instigate institutional change.


Enhancing Higher Education (EHE) programme enabled networking and collaboration, with participants from Ukraine, Azerbaijan and South Africa sharing experiences, knowledge and innovative teaching methods. The programme is kept up to date by keeping abreast of research on changes in higher education.

KTH educators and researchers presented worksops and seminars as part of the EHE programme, and participants also had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with others interested in the field.

a woman talking about a poster
Associate Professor Karin Wolff University of Cape Town

Schedule Highlights

  • Welcome Address:  Professor Stefan Östlund , Vice President for International Relations, welcomed participants.

  • Workshops and Sessions:

    • Higher Education Quality Assurance and Enhancement:  Inger Wikström Öbrand  led the discussions on European, Swedish, and institutional perspectives on maintaining educational standards.

    • Strengthening the Academic Community: Explored methodologies for fostering active engagement and change within academic communities led by Anna-Karin Högfeldt

    • Education for Sustainable Development:  Anders Rosén  and Elizabeth Keller  addressed societal challenges, theories, concepts, and practical applications in higher education.

    • Digital Learning in Higher Education: Focused on institutional strategies, enhancing learning with digital technologies, Learning anylytics and creating accessible digital content led by Fredrik Enoksson  and 

      Thashmee Karunaratne

    •  Krisitna Edström  led three sessions on

      • Rethinking Engineering Education: introduced the CDIO approach to align engineering education with professional practice and student motivation.

      • Cost-effective Educational Development: Discussed improving student learning while limiting teacher workload led also by 

      • Training for Research Supervisors: Covered roles, regulations, quality, relationships, communication, diversity, and ethical aspects in doctoral supervision.

    • Student involvement as a fundamental part of the university's development was highlighted in the "Student Influence at KTH" presentation by the THS (student union at KTH)

    • The final presentation Framework for Future Education  presented by Per Fagrell  talked about the new KTH change program that provides a long-term, holistic perspective to structure and ensure the continuous improvement of higher education at KTH. 

The collaboration with KTH’s International Relations Office has been crucial in the success of these activities, ensuring a sustainable impact on global higher education.

Feedback from our participants

We asked a couple of questions to our participants about the EHE programme here is some feedback from them.

What motivated you to participate in the week-long in-depth programma at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and explore higher education strategies?

- The key motivation for me to participate in the training is the awareness of the need for changes in higher education in Ukraine. Studying KTH's experience as a leader in engineering education in Sweden is important to me in this context. Mykola Melnychuk - Professor Lutsk National Technical University

- My first motivation is exploring KTH Royal Institute of Technology and introduce with Sweden higher education practices and also European perspectives in higher education regulations and the strategies. Jamila Askerova - Program manager SOCAR Baku Higher Oil School

- Ukrainian higher education needs further modernization and integration into the European HE area. Studying and implementing EU best practices in HE management, QA, educational programme development, and delivery contribute to the modernization of Ukrainian HE. KTH is one of the leading Swedish HEIs. Participation in “Enhancing Higher Education” training was a great chance to learn about the Swedish experience in HE transformation, to network with colleagues from other countries, and to do some personal development. Ihor Oleksiv - Professor Lutsk National Technical University

What were your overall impressions of the programme, and do you have any plans to apply the knowledge and experiences gained to lead change in your institution?

- First of all, I will spread the acquired knowledge among my colleagues at the university and promote sustainable development approaches in all areas of the university's activities, and most importantly in the curricula. I plan to use peer review and promote oral exams. It was a wonderful week, I am very satisfied. Mykola Melnychuk - Professor Lutsk National Technical University

- Since the first day of the programme I feel myself as fulfilled with the knowledge and passion for transferring and sharing this information with my colleagues in my university Baku Higher Oil School. We will organize an info day session and have a meeting with the managers of the centers in our university. Especially Kristina`s session about cost effective educational development is very important for us since we would like to distribute more time and energy to research activities and the projects. I will propose to start a pilot session of Kristina`s practices in our university as well. More of the same is not the best strategy is motto for me after the EHE Workshop programme:)
I would like to thank all organizers and also workshop leaders, staff and all related departments for hosting us. Jamila Askerova - Program manager SOCAR Baku Higher Oil School

- The Ukrainian team thanks KTH for the impressive “Enhancing Higher Education” training. The training speakers were very interesting and engaging. The training organization was perfect. The Ukrainian team participated in the training as a part of the project “Strengthening PhD education in Ukraine for sustainable growth of academic careers” TALENT4UA (01259/2023 TALENT4UA). The aim of the project is the improvement of PhD education at Ukrainian Universities. We will use the information from the following sessions “Training for research supervisors at KTH”, “Cost-effective educational development” and “Rethinking Engineering Education through the CDIO Approach” for project implementation. Thank you for a great program! Ihor Oleksiv - Professor Lutsk National Technical University

Yuriy Malynovskyi,  Andiy Butenko, Iryna Vahkovych Ihor Oleksiv Nadiia Kovalchuk Mykola Melnychuk
Ukrainian team. From left to right Yuriy Malynovskyi, Andiy Butenko, Iryna Vahkovych Ihor Oleksiv Nadiia Kovalchuk and Mykola Melnychuk
Jamila Askerova
Jamila Askerova
Page responsible:Madeleine Tucker Smith
Belongs to: The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences
Last changed: Jun 05, 2024