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Jan Wikander retires in June

Published Mar 20, 2019

The Head of the ITM School decides to leave his mission

Jan Wikander has been the Head of the ITM School since 2013. By the end of February Jan Wikander decided to leave the mission and retire in June.

"Apart from the very fun and inspiring work as the ITM Head of School and as a Professor of KTH, I have many other interests which have not received the attention they deserve, Jan says. I am still supervising a few doctoral students and will continue this for some time on a limited part-time arrangement." - says Jan Wikander.

On behalf of the school we thank Jan for all his years with the school and his inputs into ITM's development.

More information in Swedish

Page responsible:Oxana Samoteeva
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Mar 20, 2019