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Teaching and Learning at Unite! 4th dialogue event.

Published Dec 09, 2021

The department of learning in engineering sciences took part at the Unite! alliance 4th dialogue event last week, informing the community about their various current initiatives and projects within the European Higher Education Area.

UNITE! 4th dialogue

It was a four-day program with external international experts who got together to share insights and learn best practices about the European university alliance Unite!
The president of Unite! Tanja Brühl and the rector of the UPC, Daniel Crespo, met with more than 200 participants at the Opening Session which brought together staff and students from the seven universities that are part of Unite!
Brühl said that "we started as pioneers committed to transforming European higher education and our mission statement illustrates that we are committed to innovation, multidisciplinary, teaching, research and entrepreneurship".

Stefan Östlund  the Vice President for Global Relations at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, who was also present agreed to take over the organisation of the 5th edition of Unite! from 8-10 March 2022.

The Unite! alliance has several work packages which include:

Teacher Communities

Elizabeth Keller  from Learning in STEM heads the teacher community in maths. The overall idea is to create community of practice. CoP (community of practice) is a group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems, or an interest in a topic and who come together to fulfill both individual and group goals. Here is their poster they presented at the Unite! conference Teacher Communities (pdf 3.8 MB)

A group of people looking at a presenter with masks on

Teaching and Learning Academy

The Teaching and Learning Academy, headed by the Learning in STEM division, are providing expert pedagogical training for university teachers across Europe. By helping professors and educators develop models for flexible study paths within multidisciplinary, multicultural and multilingual contexts they hope to help graduates prepare for future working life.

The multilingual and multicultural training centre

The language and communication division are helping the students gain common European values and strengthen a multilingual and multicultural European identity through language learning. Here is their poster they presented at the Unite! conference The multilingual and multicultural training centre (pdf 1.6 MB)


Unite! Is part of the European Universities initiative and was one of the first 17 networks to receive funding by the European Commission 2019, through Erasmus+. The initiative targets to create a network of universities across Europe, encouraging the emergence by 2024 of a number of 'European Universities', which will enable students to obtain a degree by combining studies in several EU countries and which contributes to the international competitiveness of European universities.