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Electrifying Urban Freight Transports, The Role of Financial Incentives and Other Key Factors

Published Jun 11, 2024

As part of the ITRL Breakfast Seminars series, Carolina Gil Ribeiro, PhD candidate at the Division of Energy Systems, ITM School, KTH presented her Ongoing PhD research on Electrifying Urban Freight Transports, The Role of Financial Incentives and Other Key Factors.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from urban freight transport is essential for creating sustainable cities. However, emissions from this sector continue to rise. Many European countries have introduced financial incentives to encourage using electric vehicles to reduce emissions in urban freight transport. Despite these efforts, electric vehicles account for only 1.2% of new registrations for light commercial vehicles (LCV), a small portion compared to the higher adoption rates seen in passenger vehicles. Indeed, the literature still identifies the high costs of electric LCV as a significant adoption barrier. This presentation will focus on the impact of financial incentives on the total cost of ownership of electric LCV in the EU and their role in achieving cost-competitiveness of electric vehicles. Additionally, it will explore the factors influencing the diffusion of electric LCV and specific determinants addressing disparities across the European Union.

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