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EHE - Enhancing Higher Education

Published Jun 14, 2022

The Department of Learning in Engineering sciences in collaboration with the International Relations Office hosted a weeklong program called EHE (Enhancing Higher Education) for 26 participants. The participants came from eight different countries, including Colombia, Palestine, UK, Perú, Chile, Jordania, Colombia, and Tunisia.

Educators and Leaders

During a week-long immersion visit to KTH Royal Institute of Technology, educators, and leaders from around the world explored and contributed to a dynamic environment.
Networking, collaboration, and sharing experiences and knowledge was used to assist, equip individuals and groups seeking to lead change in their own institutions.
KTH educators and researchers presented talks and seminars at the EHE program, and participants also had opportunities to meet and work with others who are interested in the field. 

Program overview

The week started with an overview of strategy for change, on how to enhance higher education at KTH led by , Professor Leif Kari , Vice president for Education, and Anna-Karin Högfeldt  Lecturer and Director of Academic Development. The workshop included, organizational development, faculty development and students’ active involvement in the development of education. 

The session on quality assurance was led by Inger Wikström Öbrand , Quality Assurance Officer whose main responsibility is to coordinate and support quality work at KTH. 

Education for Sustainable development

The program also included Education for Sustainable development led by Anders Rosén  and Anne-Kathrin Peters , Associate Professors in engineering education at KTH which gave various perspectives on societal challenges and how to reach the sustainable development goals in education. 


Kristina Edström  Associate Professor in Engineering Education Development at KTH presented the CDIO initiative which was founded by KTH, MIT and two other Swedish universities. The community has created a curriculum development methodology for integrating students’ development of professional competence with their acquisition of technical knowledge. 

Digital transformation

Digital transformation strategies were discussed by Stefan Hrastinski  Professor at the Division of Digital Learning and Joakim Lilliesköld , Associate Professor in Industrial Systems Engineering at KTH which included theories, research, and many examples, that can improve our understanding of how to design high quality education supported by digital technologies. 

KTH Innovation & Research Office

KTH Innovation which supports early-stage tech innovation was led by Donnie SC Lygonis . He talked about how to get support in start-ups, innovative ideas, teambuilding and how they can help connect the ideas to customers and capital.
In addition, Jenny Wanselius , from the KTH Research Office presented ideas on how to apply for different research grants, funding, and support in project management


Workshops on the last day, amongst other subjects, explored ideas and discussions together with the participants on Student influence and active involvement in education development. These sessions were led by Amanda Andrén , the Head of Educational Affairs at the Student Union, Mats Nilsson , the Director of First and Second Cycle Education at the school of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, and Hans Havtun  assocate professor and educational developer.

The workshop leaders, organisers as well as the participants concluded that this week had been very inspiring and fruitful. Plenty of new ideas for future development will be explored, for instance a deepened collaboration through the CDIO network.


Page responsible:Madeleine Tucker Smith
Belongs to: The Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences
Last changed: Jun 14, 2022