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Alumni meet-up confirms life after graduation

Published Nov 18, 2020

There is a life after graduation. This was clear at the alumni meetup for the Master program Sustainable energy engineering, SEE on Friday. Alumni, faculty and currents students, met on zoom for inspiration and networking.

The Friday event attracted around 55 participants. The alumni were there to keep up the network with the student and teacher’s pool, and to stay updated for future collaboration, and above all – give something back to KTH and inspire current students.

Albertine Potter Van Loon and Cristina Blajin.

Besides a breif historical overlook of the program by Anders Malmqvist, two alumni, Cristina Blajin and Albertine Potter Van Loon now working for McKinsey in Poland and Amsterdam, talked on the subject of why they had chosen SEE, what had happened after graduation and how they would support each other when looking for jobs. Graduating in 2018 and 2019 both had a history working with energy related topics before joining McKinsey. 

Current student Abhay Menon talked about the differences between being a student before and during the pandemic, and alumnus Mattias Ericsson talked about his way from a technician at Värmex to being CEO of the company.

Hatef Madani from EGI who organized the event together with Karin Davéus (GVS), was pleased with the 1,5 hour session, even though the participants weren’t able to meet in real life, something that would have been even more rewarding, he points out.

“This is a pilot project that we can apply for other international master programs at KTH. The best part from Friday? It was some of the students saying ‘I never thought that we could find a job in a management consulting firm like McKinsey’. This means we achieved part of our aim by showing our current and prospective students the broad range of job opportunities after graduation.”

Text: Anna Gullers

Om programmet MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering

Page responsible:Oxana Samoteeva
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Nov 18, 2020