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Accelerating the transition to clean and modern cooking for the 3 billion people without access

Photo credit: Youssef Boulkaid
Published Mar 10, 2021

More than 3 billion people worldwide still do not have access to clean cooking, which results in around 4 million premature deaths annually related to household air pollution (WHO, 2018), and in a number of other equality and environmental issues (IHME, 2018).

​To support the shift towards clean cooking, KTH – division of Energy Systems (KTH-dES)  will collaborate with the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) , the World Resource Institute (WRI)  and Kartoza  to build an innovative tool to compare and understand the performance of cooking solutions, and the corresponding online, open-source, and interactive geospatial data platform: the Clean Cooking Explorer (CCE) .

CCE will build on CCA’s deep engagement in developing clean cooking markets in Nepal and around the world, leveraging on extensive previous work related to energy access, including: the WRI´s Energy Access Explorer , and KTH´s work for the Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET)  and for the World Bank´s Global Electrification Platform (GEP) . The tool will also attempt at integrating the latest research on comparing the performance of different cooking solutions .

Once development is completed in 2021, the CCE will improve data-driven planning, coordination, and implementation for a large-scale transition to cleaner cooking solutions. The CCE will launch with data for Nepal, but will have a modular, easily adaptable design, so that in the future, the CCA and its partners may replicate similar efforts elsewhere.


Francesco Fuso-Nerini
Francesco Fuso-Nerini associate professor Profile
Camilo Ramirez Gomez
Camilo Ramirez Gomez doctoral student Profile


World Health Organization (WHO) 2018, Household air pollution and health. 

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) 2019, State of Global Air 2019 Report.