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Ebrahim Sayesteh, Svenska Kraftnät

Ebrahim Shayesteh, R&D coordinator and Power System Analyst at Svenska Kraftnät is newly appointed affiliated faculty at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at KTH.

Portrait man

His research interests are within reliability modeling, energy efficiency, electricity market analysis and optimization of power systems with a high proportion of renewable energy sources. Ebrahim Shayesteh hopes that the affiliation will lead to strong research projects and educational materials that can be used both by KTH and Svenska Kraftnät.

Where did the initiative to become affiliated come from?

I always maintained my connection with the university as I enjoyed doing research and working with students. So being an affiliated faculty was a suitable option for me and since my current company (Svenska Kraftnät) was positive about this, I started the process for it.

Tell us about your role at KTH and what you hope to achieve.

I wish to continue toward docentship and my goal is to create a strong connection between KTH and Svenska Kraftnät in both sides' areas of interest. 

My planned activities include meeting colleagues at KTH and getting their needs and interests and matching them with the interests and needs of Svenska Kraftnät. I hope to define common areas of interest and facilitate the hiring of more master´s, doctoral and postdoc researchers. Also, I am thinking about developing new courses for KTH/Svenska Kraftnät.

Text: Malin Nordin Bartlett
Photo: Private

Ebrahim Sayesteh, Svenska Kraftnät
Annelise de Jong, IVL - Affiliated Faculty at KTH SEED
Maria Xylia, Senior Research Fellow at SEI