KTH's organisation
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) is a university and a public authority, where the core activities of education and research are organised in five schools. Each school is led by a Head of school that reports to KTH's President. The University Administration operates under the University Director and supports the conduct of education and research. The President reports to the University Board.
University Board
The University Board is KTH's highest decision-making body and governs KTH's operations: education and research.
KTH's President and Management
The President is appointed by the government for a period of six years after nomination by the University Board. The Deputy President is appointed by the University Board. Vice Presidents are appointed for special tasks by the President. KTH's Management Group addresses issues related to the strategic management and governance of the university and is led by the President.
KTH's five Schools
KTH's activities are separated into different Schools. The Schools are responsible for education and research activities at KTH. Each of the schools is heading a number of Departments, Centres of excellence and undergraduate study programmes. At the different KTH Competence Centres activities of a varied nature are conducted; these often pertain to new research areas and frequently involve joint efforts with business life and the community. Each of the KTH Centres do always have a formal connection of some kind with one of KTH's Schools.
School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
School of Architecture and the Built Environment
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)
School of Industrial Engineering and Management
School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH)
School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health
School of Engineering Sciences (SCI)
School of Engineering Sciences
University Administration
The University Administration is handling both administration and service functions for the entire university.
KTH's University Administration
Internal Audit
The Internal Audit at KTH is a function designed to add value and improve the operations of KTH. It is assigned by the University Board.
Internal Audit at KTH (intranet)
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is a university-wide body for KTH's work on quality development and collegial dialogue. The Faculty Council has overall responsibility for issues relating to quality in education, research and collaboration.
KTH Holding
KTH Holding AB is a state-owned company managed by KTH. KTH Holding works to commercially exploit research results and knowledge generated within KTH. This is primarily achieved by investing in companies and intellectual property rights in a very early phase that have sprung from KTH.
Read about the company on kthholding.se