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Kaizen/Green Kaizen

Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement that has become popular worldwide. It involves making small improvements every day to gradually achieve larger changes in the business. By involving all employees in the improvement process, a culture of continuous improvement can be created where it becomes a natural part of the work.

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement". It is a philosophy that aims to improve the efficiency and quality of the business by constantly seeking small improvements in all parts of the organization. Kaizen can be applied to all parts of the business, from production and logistics to administration and marketing.

One of the key principles of Kaizen is that all employees, from management to operators, are involved in the improvement process. By involving everyone and creating a culture of continuous improvement, the organization can achieve higher productivity, increased quality, and a better work environment.

Kaizen has its roots in Japanese culture and philosophy and has become an important part of Japanese industry, especially in car manufacturing. But the principles of Kaizen have spread worldwide and are now applied in many different industries and organizations.

Green Kaizen

Green Kaizen is a method of applying the Kaizen philosophy to environmental problems and challenges. It aims to achieve more sustainable production and operations by identifying and eliminating unnecessary resource waste, reducing waste, and improving energy efficiency. Green Kaizen aims to create an environmentally conscious culture and reduce the environmental impact in all areas of the business. This may involve implementing recycling systems, reducing the use of hazardous chemicals, or optimizing energy use in production. By applying Kaizen principles to environmental issues, organizations can achieve both economic and environmental benefits while contributing to a more sustainable future.

Courses offered by KTH Lean Centre with a focus on Green Kaizen are: Lean & Green  and Hållbarhet i praktiken .