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Future Urban Energy Systems

Date: 24 November

Time: 11.00 - 17.30, Dinner Buffet and Mingle 17.30 - 19.30

Venue: Ångdomen, KTH Library, Osquars Backe 31

The event moderator: Prof. Semida Silveira

11.00-13.00 Lunch and PhD Poster Competition

Welcome Speech

Sigbritt Karlsson, President of KTH

Olga Kordas, Director of KTH Energy Platform

Introduction to the event by the moderator

Semida Silveira, Professor in Energy Systems Planning at KTH

Key-note speech 1: “Toward sustainable urban energy systems: insights from IEA’s Energy Technology Perspectives 2016” 

Eric Masanet - Head, Energy Demand Technology Unit at International Energy Agency

Panel Discussion 1: “Technical potentials for electricity and heat/cool in cities”

  • Per Lundqvist, Professor in Energy Technology at KTH
  • Anders Egelrud, Managing Director at AB Fortum Värme
  • Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH
  • Rémy Kolessar, Head of Research and Innovation Department at Swedish Energy Agency
  • Jan-Ulric Sjögren, City of Stockholm
14.30-15.00  Coffee Break


Key-note speech 2: "Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating"

Henrik Lund - Professor in Energy Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark


Vattenfall Energy Award

Jacques Pellis, Head of Recruitment Sweden at Vattenfall

Göran Lindbergh, Professor of Chemical Engineering at KTH


Panel Discussion 2: “Policies and Financial Mechanisms: supporting sustainability transition of urban energy”  

  • Lennart Söder, Professor in Electric Power Systems at KTH
  • Fabian Levihn, R&D Manager at AB Fortum Värme and researcher in Industrial Economics and Management at KTH
  • Staffan Movin, Managing Director at Marketing Technology Center, MTC
  • Michael Erman, Regional planner, Project manager for Regional Climate Roadmap 2050, Growth and Regional planning administration, Stockholm County Council
  • Ulla Mörtberg, Associate Professor at KTH
16.20-16.30 Break

Panel Discussion 3: “Pathways for carbon abatement: cities as a cornerstone”

  • Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, researcher at KTH
  • Ulf Ceder, Senior Manager, Transport Systems; Research Office, Scania AB
  • Magnus Berg, R&D Portfolio Manager at Vattenfall
  • Folke Björk, Professor in Building Technology atKTH
  • Klas Engvall, Professor of Chemical Technology at KTH
17.00-17.10 Concluding remarks from the moderator

Best Poster Award Ceremony

Chair of the Poster Jury - Charlie Gullström, University Lecturer and researcher at KTH ABE, Department of Architecture

17.30-20.00 Buffet & Mingle



Prof. Sigbritt Karlsson

Vice-Chancellor University of Skövde

President KTH 12 November 2016. Vice-Chancellor of Skövde University 2010-2016. Faculty Vice Dean at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), December 2007-2010, responsible for Strategic Education Issues. Vice Dean KTH, School of Chemical Science and Engineering (2005-2007). Professor in Polymer Technology-the Environmental Interaction of Polymeric Materials (1999- ) at KTH, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Fibre and Polymer Technology. Junior Individual Grant (Strategiska Stiftelsen-SSF), December 1996. Research interests: Environmental Interaction of Polymers; Sustainability of Polymeric Materials; Biopolymers (polysaccharides, proteins) and Polymers from Renewable Polymers; Biocomposites: Long-term properties of Polymeric Materials; Antimicrobial surfaces; Biofilm formation and Polymer Analysis. Member of board for Elektra research fund 2006-. Member Formas expert committee 2010-, Editor-in-Chief for Polymers from Renewable Resources (2010- ).


Dr. Olga Kordas

Director, KTH Energy Platform

Dr. Olga Kordas is the Director of KTH Energy Platform since September 2014. She is also KTH coordinator for STandUP for Energy. She leads a research group Urban Analytics and Transitions (UrbanT) at the division of Industrial Ecology, department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering. Her main research areas are complex system simulation, energy system analysis, and participatory scenarios for strategic planning. She is a coordinator of a Thematic Partnership ReNERGY “Shared visions of sustainable energy systems in cities of the Baltic Sea Region”.


Prof. Semida Silveira

School of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH

Semida Silveira is Professor in Energy Systems Planning at KTH. Since 2007, she has led the Energy and Climate Studies (ECS) group at the Dept of Energy Technology with focus on energy and sustainable development. She has a PhD in Regional Planning from KTH, with focus on development and sustainability. Previously, Prof. Silveira worked as sustainability expert at the Swedish Energy Agency, and as energy and climate program manager at the Stockholm Environment Institute. Her most recent activities include bioenergy and climate change policy work, energy and development, energy efficiency in industries, urban sustainability, promotion of Swedish knowledge and technologies, and international business cooperation with corporate responsibility.


Mr. Eric Masanet

Head, Energy Demand Technology Unit, International Energy Agency

Eric Masanet is Head of the Energy Demand Technology Unit at the International Energy Agency, where he oversees analyses of energy technologies and the development of long-term energy demand scenarios for the global industrial, transport, and buildings sectors. He has 15 years of experience analyzing energy technology systems, trends, and policies, most recently as an Associate Professor in the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University (USA), and, before that, as a Staff Scientist in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA). He holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, with a specialization in sustainable manufacturing.


Prof. Per Lundqvist

School of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH

Per Lundqvist, professor, The Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Energy Technology. Chair in Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration. PL is appointed professor in Energy Technology at the Royal Institute of technology KTH, co-chairing the division of Applied Thermodynamics and refrigeration. PL Received his PhD in Energy technology in 1993 on a thesis on Stirling cycle heat pumps and refrigerators. PL research and teaching covers a broad range of topics such as thermodynamic cycles, Energy systems analysis and modelling, energy management, eco-city planning, heat pump technology, alternative refrigerants, solar cooling, Organic rankine cycles and so on. 


Mr. Anders Egelrud

Managing Director at AB Fortum Värme

Anders Egelrud is the CEO of Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad AB. He studied finance and energy at Luleå University. After graduation he worked at different positions within Vattenfall. In 1996 he was employed at Gullsspång, which through a series of mergers and acquisitions later became part of the Fortum group in 2002. He was appointed managing director, CEO, of the subsidiary Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad AB in 2006. Anders is a member of the board of directors for the Swedish District Heating association and EFA.


Prof. Lina Bertling Tjernberg

School of Electrical Engineering, KTH

Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH. Her research area is in modernization of the electric power systems. Current research project are on wind power maintenance and smart distribution systems. She is a Member of the National Committee of the IEA International Smart Grid Action Network and is an expert for the EU commission within Energy, ICT and Security.


Dr. Rémy Kolessar

Department for Research & Innovation, Swedish Energy Agency

Dr. Rémy Kolessar received a M.Sc. in Applied Physics from the University of Grenoble in 1994 and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 2001. During 2001 and 2003, he was a faculty member and assistant professor at the Dept. of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics at the Royal Institute of Technology where areas of interest included high power electronics and new converter technologies for HVDC transmission systems, grid connection of distributed generation and renewables as well as smart grid applications. In 2003, Dr. Kolessar joined the Swedish Energy Regulatory Authority, the Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei) working with economic and technical regulation of the T&D business, with a special focus on regulation of quality of supply and smart grids. Since august 2014. He is Director of the Dept. for Research & Innovation at the Swedish Energy Agency


Prof. Henrik Lund

Aalborg University, Denmark

M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., Dr.Techn. Henrik Lund is Professor in Energy Planning at Aalborg University and Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier International journal ENERGY. He was head of the Department of Development and Planning at Aalborg University from 1996 to 2002 and holds a PhD in Implementation of Sustainable Energy Systems (1990) and a Senior Doctoral degree in Choice Awareness and Renewable Energy Systems (2009). For more than 25 years, his area of expertise has been energy system analysis, energy planning and energy economics. Henrik Lund is the author of more than 200 books and articles including the book ''Renewable Energy Systems”. He is on the Thomson Reuters list of the most highly cited researches in the world, and the architect behind the advanced energy system analysis software EnergyPLAN. 


Mr. Jacques Pellis

Head of Recruitment Sweden at Vattenfall

Jacques Pellis is the Head of Recruitment Sweden for Vattenfall. Educational background in ‘social / organizational science’ at the University of Tilburg (Netherlands) and working background mostly in project & change management. I am a volunteer supporting the start-up of ‘War Child Sweden’ as well I am sitting on the executive board of the ‘Dutch Chamber of Commerce’ in Sweden.


Prof. Göran Lindbergh

School of Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH

Göran Lindbergh is Professor in Electrochemical Process and System Engineering at KTH since 2003, and since 2005 heading the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology. His research is directed towards batteries, fuel cells and electrolysis within the field of electrochemical engineering. Implementation of batteries and fuel cells in the transportation sector is a common theme in his research.


Prof. Lennart Söder

School of Electrical Engineering

Lennart Söde is professor in Electric Power Systems at KTH since 1999. He is engaged in research and education in the field of Electric Power Systems. This includes studies of power system stability, transfer opportunities, electricity price formation, smart grid, the impact of wind and solar energy, regulation of hydro power, the effect of economic regulation, studies of electric vehicles etc. Lennart Söder has participated in several national studies and he was the government's sole investigator for the Grid Inquiry. He is active in several international collaborative projects in Sweden, Nordic area, the EU and the IEA.


Dr. Fabian Levihn

Fortum Värme

Fabian Levihn is R&D Manager at the utility Fortum Värme. At Fortum Värme he works with complex investments and R&D. Fabian holds a PhD in Industriall Economics and Management. He a Research Fellow at the department of Industrial Economics and Mangement at KTH.


Mr. Staffan Movin

Marketing Technology Center, MTC

Staffan Movin is a Managing Director at Marketing Technology Center, MTC and a project leader for the R&D projects addressing business models, flexible entrepreneurship, internet of things, financial structures and world class customer experiences. He is also responsible for a number of network-groups where the industry’s main issues are matched with the leading researchers in different areas. Staffan has concluded both studies and a commission of Service innovation, and the process of decisions concerning renewal and innovation. He also givs talks on topic such as internet of things, business models and service innovation.


Mr. Michael Erman

Regional Planner at Stockholm County Council, Administration for growth and regional planning

Michael’s professional background is both in chemistry, geography and civil engineering. The focus of Michael’s work has since 20 years been urban and regional planning at institutions as Institute for Regional Analysis (INREGIA), the Nordic Council of Ministers, Stockholm County Council and the City of Stockholm. Major themes are land use planning, technical systems, climate mitigation as well transport and smart city issues. In the four past years Michael has been the chairman of EUROCITIES working group “Integrated Urban Development”. As a strategic planner, Michael currently is responsible for the Climate Roadmap 2050 for the Stockholm Region. This is a long-term, multilevel task which is strongly related to implementation of the Regional Development Plan for Stockholm. Michael is also involved in many international and R&I-projects.


Assoc. Prof. Ulla Mörtberg

School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH

Ulla Mörtberg is associate professor in spatial and environmental systems analysis and lecturer in energy systems and environmental assessment, in the Environmental Management and Assessment Research Group, KTH. Her research concerns environmental assessment of renewable energy options as well as sustainable urban development, focusing on development of methods and tools for integration of scientific knowledge and stakeholder perspectives in planning and decision making.


Dr. Annika Carlsson Kanyama

School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH

Annika Carlsson Kanyama is presently a researcher and docent at the department of industrial ecology, KTH. She has also worked at the Swedish Defense Research Institute, and at both locations she initiated and participated in research about consumption and climate change as well as climate change adaptation.


Dr. Magnus Berg

R&D Portfolio Manager at Vattenfall

Dr. Berg is R&D Portfolio Manager at Vattenfall, responsible for the area Customer Products and Solutions. He is also Managing Director for ChlorOut AB, a subsidiary of Vattenfall AB. He has during his professional career worked for a number of different companies but always within the energy sector and for the last ten years he has held various management positions within Vattenfall R&D. He is also adjunct professor at KTH.


Prof. Folke Björk

School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH

Folke Björk is Professor in Building technology with experiences in research of technical quality in buildings, and how this relates to energy efficiency, a healthy indoor climate and other performance demands in buildings. He is responsible for the courses in Advanced building technology and Damage in buildings. He has a PhD in Polymer Technology and graduated in Chemical Engineering.


Prof. Klas Engvall

School of Chemical Science and Engineering

Klas Engvall is Professor in Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass at KTH. Since 2011, he leds the Thermochemical Conversion Group and the Centre for Direct Gasification of Biomass (SFC-CDGB) at the Dept of Chemical Engineering and Technology. KE has broad experiences from R&D within the field thermochemical conversion both from the academia and the industry. He is activite in both experimental and modelling research within pyrolysis, gasification and combustion processes, processes for gas cleaning and upgrading, as well as catalysis and materials science.


Dr. Charlie Gullström

School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH

Charlie Gullström, PhD, Architect SAR/MSA, is a University Lecturer at KTH Department of Architecture, where she combines teaching with research and heads the interdisciplinary research group KTH Smart Spaces: Architecture & Interactive Media (EU FP7 COMPEIT 2014-2016; EIT DIGITAL Activity Lead for Mediating Presence 2011-2014). Gullström's design-driven research and practice over twenty years address the fusion of architecture and media technology facilitated by new information and communication technology (ICT-mediated architectural design, mediated spaces, interactive architecture, connected media). Her particular interests concers the contribution from architects to a highly-mediated society, given that new digital tools have thoroughly changed the way humans interact and communicate, with a potential to foster new sustainable patterns of behaviour (user-centred presence research). Charlie Gullström previously served as Centre Director for VINNOVA Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Communications at KTH and was responsible for its formation and build-up 2005-2007.