Organizing for digital transformation: a business ecosystems perspective
Construction 5.0 is a new umbrella term for how human-technology interaction could tackle several major challenges in how design, construction and facility management is carried out in the built environment. However, this presupposes a re-organization of the sector of the built environment regarding new types of value chains and business models to manage and use such a digital transformation in a positive way, both from a business and social point of view. Building on the results of a previous project in Smart Built Environment: Digitaliseringsdrivna värden och affärsmodeller i samhällsbyggnadssektorns ekosystem: En detaljerad framtidsspaning (Löwstedt & Sundquist, 2022), which produced future scenarios for digital transformation, this project aims to investigate and create a deeper understanding of the dynamic capabilities for digital transformation within the sector of the built environment. Dynamic capabilities are the specific capabilities and strategies of both individual companies and the ecosystem of the sector as a whole to integrate, build and re-configure internal and external competencies to manage a dynamic context. With the goal of creating an overview of the current dynamic capabilities of various actors in the sector and for the sector as a whole, and how a re-organization could take place, the project aims to identify, discuss, and catalyze ongoing and future re-organization of digital processes and ways of organizing. The investigation is based on interviews and, in a workshop format, gather actors who represent not only the current, but also the transient and future ecosystem (the actors identified by the previous project, Samhällsbyggarna (traditional), Digitizers (digital suppliers to the current sector) and Game C hangers (digital business models), as well as actors from other sectors that have undergone change), to identify dynamic capabilities that can influence the re-organization of the sector as well as potential success factors.
Project name: Organizing for digital transformation: a business ecosystems perspective
Project manager: Docent Malena Havenvid, FoB
Participating organisation: Uppsala universitet
Project period: 2023-09-01 - 2025-02-28
Funding: Formas