Talking books
If you have a reading impairment you can get your course literature adapted to an accessible format.
The most common form of adapted books is talking books, but there are other formats as well, like braille. You can listen to talking books on your computer, mobile phone or tablet.
There are several reasons why you might need adapted books, like dyslexia, visual impairment, physical disability.
You will find talking books in the digital library Legimus. To access Legimus you need to make an appointment with the library. You can choose a time and format that suits you, we will meet you at the main library or on Zoom.
Book an introduction to talking books
If your course book is not yet available in Legimus, we will help you to make a request. However, it can take some time to produce a new talking book. Make sure you contact us as soon as you get your reading list. You can order a recording by emailing us on .
Other aids
Everyone at KTH can download the speech synthesis Tortalk on their computer. Tortalk is a programme that can convert all digital texts to speech.
Spelling aids
Students and employees at KTH also have free access to a number of spelling aids, among those Spellright for English texts and Stava Rex for Swedish texts.
Learn more about spelling aids