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Opening hours and contact

KTH Library is a public library, open to everyone. Below you will find our contact information, opening hours and directions to the main library and our library in Södertälje.

Opening hours

Main Library

For KTH students and employees with access card and valid ID , the Main Library is available from 8 and opens for everyone at 9 (working days, exceptions occur). The library is not manned 8–9. 

Södertälje is open 7–15 (working days, exceptions occur), and is manned according to schedule.

Access to the Main Library between 8 and 9

Are you unable to get into the library in the morning, despite being a KTH affiliate? All KTH students, researchers and teachers have automatically access. Doctoral students and technical/administrative staff must demand access.

For questions and problems, please do as follows:

Students: email and ask them to investigare the problem.

Doctoral students and technical/administrative staff: Contact your department so that they can contact to make sure you get access.

Book drops

When the libraries are closed, you can return your books in the self-service book drop outside the main library (book drop open 24/7) or the book drop in Södertälje (book drop open 7–15 working days, excpetions occur).

Contact us

Icon telephone


08 - 790 70 88


The phone hours are usually working days 13–16, but during holidays these hours might change. Other hours you can chat or email us.

Chat icon



The chat is usually open working days 9–16, but is closed for summer 21 June - 11 August.

E-mail icon


You can always email us at  and we will respond as soon as possible.

You can also use our contact form  if it suits you better.

Follow us on social media

The KTH Library is available on Facebook and Instagram. Please follow us so you stay up to date on our news and events.

Find us

Postal address

KTH Biblioteket
100 44 Stockholm