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The next generation fossil-free sustainable marine boating

 Test vessel for fossil-free boat traffic.

Sustainable boating and Electrified Power Line for Pleasure and Small Size Commercial Transport Boats

Ecosystems and climate are today negatively affected by boating in archipelagos and seas, for example emissions of hydrocarbons, noise and erosion. Switching to environmentally friendly electric operation is possible and to achieve sufficient performance we need completely different ways of building small boats.

Transition from fossil to electric in naval mobility is a key for a sustainable life on the coasts. Ongoing research at KTH on future maritime robotic sensor platforms is generating new solutions for marine craft, utilizing hydrofoils and electrical propulsion systems. Preliminary analyses and tests indicate that the electrified hydrofoil-boat system that we are developing has the potential to offer a better and more efficient product at a lower price than what the currently largest players on the market can offer.

The project is led by Ivan Stenius , lecturer at the Department of Technical Mechanics and Doctor Nicholas Honeth , researcher at the same department.