Djurö Field Station – a space for Baltic Sea solutions
Djurö Marine Field Station is situated at Djurö in Värmdö. The field station has an on-land facility as well as a boat for on-site testing.
The SMaRC project at KTH is the first project using the facility and has been testing SAM, the underwater drone, in brackish water. KTH wants to develop Djurö Marine Field Station to become a resource for marine research in the Baltic Sea for a multitude of actors.
The development of Djurö field station takes place in close collaboration with WaterCentre@KTH and other researchers within the KTH Baltic Tech Initiative together with the management of Värmdö municipality.
Project manager is Fredrik Gröndahl , marine biologist and lecturer at the Department of Sustainable Development, Technology and Environmental Science and Ivan Stenius (deputy project manager), lecturer at the Department of Technical Mechanics. The development of the Djurö field station takes place in close collaboration with the KTH Vattencentrum, other researchers within the KTH Baltic Tech Initiative and the management of Värmdö municipality.