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Improved energy counceling and energy habits by Quantified Self Assisted Advisory

Quantified Self means regularly logging data about yourself, such as weight, running routes, or expenses. Numerous "apps" and computer supported systems are available for this, such as "Runkeeper". These have proven very powerful for getting people to achieve and sustain habit changes for the better. In this project, we intend to transfer the concept Quantified Self to environmental and energy habits in order to support behavior change.

Collected data on energy and climate can, in the same way as fitness apps, be used on individual or group level, to set goals and create new habits. However, within this project we intend to go one step further and, in cooperation with the municipal energy and climate advisers, through “Energikontoren Sverige”, develop a "Quantified Self Assisted Advisory", or professional advice using the Quantified Self. Energy advisors will have access to the collected data and thus have an overall picture that provides improved opportunities to provide better advice.

This project has funding from Energimyndigheten and will be carried out from Summer 2014 - Summer 2017

Project participants: Björn Hedin  (project leader), Daniel Pargman , Henrik Artman  and Jorge Zapico