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Drivers and Barriers for Mediated Meetings

This project departs from Centre for Sustainable communication's (CESC) earlier research on how video mediated meetings (using audio, video and computer-networking technology) can reduce travel, and thereby carbon emissions.

It has been shown that the implementation and the use of video mediated meetings do not only depend on the individual’s actions in situ but also reflect values, conventions, structures, norms, rules and routines of the organization and society. Therefore, it becomes important to consider the processes that constitute and establish the use.

One way to extend our understanding of the use of video mediated meetings and our research agenda within CESC, is to pay attention to what goes on beyond the immediate use of technology itself, i.e. turn towards the structures and conventions that constitute technology use in order to analyze the activities within which the use is embedded and through which it becomes meaningful. This is the analysis we would like to put forward in this project.

Keywords: Video mediated meetings, video conferencing, virtual meetings, travel-free meetings, anthropology, norm

Contact: Minna Räsänen