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"The Paradox of Local Shopping Streets: Local Identity, Global Crisis" - Professor Sharon Zukin

Organized by Centre for the Future of Places, the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson foundation

The fourth part of our Athena Lecture Series is "The Paradox of Local Shopping Streets: Local Identity, Global Crisis" by professor Sharon Zukin.

Professor Sharon Zukin -

Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center CUNY, New York

Sharon Zukin is professor of sociology at Brooklyn College and at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Zukin is the author of books on cities, culture and consumer culture, and a researcher on urban, cultural and economic change. She was Broeklundian Professor from 1996 to 2008. She received the Lynd Award for Career Achievement in urban sociology, from the American Sociological Association, and the C. Wright Mills Book Award for Landscapes of Power. She was visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam, 2010-11, and is a distinguished fellow in the Advanced Research Collaborative at the CUNY Graduate Center in fall 2014. Zukin is specialized in Sociology of Culture, Mass Media, and the Arts|Urban Sociology and are doing research in the fi elds of: Cities, Consumer Society and Consumer Culture, Gentrifi cation, Arts and Urban Economic Development, and Ethnic Diversity

Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Aug 06, 2019