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"New Outlooks on Power Relations, Politics of Identity and Urban Citizenship" - Professor Rachel Kallus

Organized by The Centre for the Future of Places, the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson foundation

The sixth part of our Athena Lecture Series is "New Outlooks on Power Relations, Politics of Identity and Urban Citizenship" by Professor Racher Kallus.

Professor Rachel Kallus is an Architect and city planner, graduate of MIT (MArch) and the Technion (Ph.D.), member of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Architecture and City Planning and head of the Technion Social Hub. Her research, based on critical theory in the social sciences, cultural and gender studies, intermediates between different practices of the creation of space and examines the mutual relations between policy (planning) and physical design (architecture) and that between daily life, in order to enrich the toolbox of the planner in a way that combines professional knowledge, local knowledge and knowledge of place. She has worked on housing projects in the United States, Holland and Israel, engaging primarily in urban design and neighborhood planning. Her professional work is primarily with community and civil society organizations and aims at strengthening community involvement in planning.

Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Aug 06, 2019