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PDC Summer School

If you would like to learn (more) about high-performance computing (HPC), you can attend the PDC “Introduction to High Performance Computing” Summer School. The school is held at the main KTH campus in Stockholm towards the end of August each year.

photo of lecturers at a PDC summer school

Who can attend

The summer school is open to students and researchers from academia or industry, from all over the world. Applications are opened in the spring each year; you can watch out for the announcement in the PDC Events calendar  or follow PDC on Facebook  or LinkedIn , or join the PDC general announcements mailing list  to be informed when applications open.

University credits for the summer school

Ph.D. students can get normal university credit points through KTH for attending the PDC Summer School.

Topics covered

The PDC Summer School gives an excellent introduction to what HPC and parallel computing are and, more specifically, addresses how to use the PDC systems and how to develop software for HPC. Participants also learn how to improve programs for parallel scientific applications so that they run more efficiently.

The summer school classes consist of about 20-25 hours of lectures and 10-15 hours of computer lab sessions covering topics such as:

  • parallel programming (MPI, OpenMP, GPU),
  • modern computer architectures,
  • parallel algorithms,
  • efficient programming, and
  • HPC case studies.

The lectures are given by international experts followed by hands-on sessions in the PDC computer lab, which gives all participants the opportunity to obtain practical experience of the HPC topics covered in the lectures.

Summer school website

If you need more information

For further information about the PDC Summer Schools, send email to PDC Support ( ).