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Improve your HPC skills at PDC

PDC offers courses, workshops and seminars to help you improve your high-performance computing (HPC) skills. These training events are open to researchers and developers from business/industry and academia, as well as students, and most are free of charge.

Students in lecture at PDC summer school "Introduction to High Performance Computing"

PDC HPC summer school & university courses

The annual PDC summer school gives attendees an understanding of how to develop software for various HPC systems and provides practical experience developing and running HPC software. If you want to learn more about using HPC in specific research areas, there are also various university courses that are run on PDC’s systems.

PDC Summer School
University courses at PDC

Researchers and students at a PDC high performance computing workshop

HPC seminars/webinars, courses & workshops

If you want to run programs on HPC systems at PDC, you can attend one of PDC’s short “Introduction to PDC” courses. PDC also hosts a variety of seminars/webinars, workshops and short courses for researchers who want to learn to use HPC systems or improve their current skills.

Introduction to PDC Systems
Other training at PDC

Students doing HPC research

PhDs & Master's thesis research projects at PDC

There are two main kinds of HPC research: research in other areas which uses HPC for simulations or analysis, and research on improving HPC systems and how we use them. Often these are combined in projects that test future HPC systems by using them to run applications. At times PDC has openings for this kind of research.

Masters theses
Ph.D. studies

Course dates and further information

For dates and details about high performance computing training events run at or by PDC, see the PDC calendar of events .

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