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PDC News

  • HPC system manager positions at PDC

    Published Jun 27, 2024

    PDC is expanding its group of system administrators and has two positions open for high-performance computing (HPC) system managers.

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  • Dardel is now working as it should

    Published Jun 26, 2024
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  • Press release: New collaboration between Oblique Therapeutics & KTH

    Published Jun 14, 2024

    Oblique Therapeutics and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology have entered into a strategic collaboration to analyse protein structures using supercomputers.

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  • Dardel status after the upgrade to a new software stack

    Published Jun 12, 2024
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  • Dardel now has an entirely new software stack

    Published May 29, 2024
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  • Next generation quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics simulations with tens-of-thousands of atoms

    Published May 27, 2024

    This work focuses on a new form of quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics simulations based on graph-theory and extended Lagrangian shadow Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics formulations.

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  • Did you miss visiting Vega, Karolina, Leonardo or LUMI?

    Published May 15, 2024

    No worries! ETP4HPC has you covered with recordings of their webinar tours.

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  • Visit Europe's first exascale system JUPITER

    Published May 15, 2024

    The JUPITER system at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre in Germany will be Europe’s first exascale supercomputer.

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  • HPC software development position at PDC

    Published May 15, 2024
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  • Dardel upgrade: planned system downtime 20-24 May

    Published May 10, 2024
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  • Webinar: Leveraging supercomputers for data-driven life science research

    Published Apr 05, 2024

    This webinar "Leveraging supercomputers for data-driven life science research: examples of use cases and introduction to Berzelius" is being run by SciLifeLab, NSC and ENCCS and is especially suited t...

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  • Problems now solved after Dardel update

    Published Mar 15, 2024
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  • Press release: KTH, PDC and AMD collaboration

    Published Mar 04, 2024

    KTH, PDC and AMD will collaborate on GROMACS and other key scientific applications for the Swedish and international research community.

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  • Severe problems after Dardel update

    Published Feb 28, 2024

    Dardel was updated to a newer software stack, which led to severe Lustre problems

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  • ENCCS/NAISS Workshop: VASP/EMTO Best Practices

    Published Feb 26, 2024

    If you are materials science researcher or engineer who already has some experience with materials modelling and electronic structure calculations and you want to find out about using VASP for atomic-...

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  • Dardel’s Lustre system will be updated during the week of February 19th

    Published Feb 08, 2024
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  • Dardel being updated starting on 31 January

    Published Jan 31, 2024
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  • Course on quantum computing for SeSE PhD students

    Published Nov 06, 2023

    Quantum computing is an emerging computing paradigm lying at the intersection of computer science, physics, and mathematics. Stefano Markidis (Professor of Computer Science, KTH), Pratibha Hegde (Post...

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  • Sweden's Most Powerful Supercomputer Inaugurated at KTH

    Published Oct 31, 2023

    The fastest supercomputer in Sweden, an HPE Cray EX system called Dardel, was inaugurated at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on the 23rd of August 2023.

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  • Welcome to the Quantum Technology Hub Kickoff

    Published Oct 14, 2023

    Everyone working/studying or interested in quantum technology is invited to the kickoff of the Quantum Technology Hub (QTH). Let's connect the quantum community in Stockholm!

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