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EHL News

  • KTH looks at support for researchers in Gaza

    Woman in front of a wall.
    Nina Wormbs, responsible for Scholars at Risk at KTH. (Photo: Sara Appelgren)
    Published Jun 18, 2024

    KTH is a member of the international network Scholars at Risk, SAR, which works to support researchers who are at risk. Nina Wormbs, Vice Dean of Faculty and responsible for SAR at KTH, can KTH do an...

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  • Citizens' Assembly on Climate presents its results

    Sverker Sörlin
    Published May 20, 2024

    Sweden's first Citizens' Assembly on Climate, initiated by Fairtrans, a multidisciplinary research programme funded by Mistra, has completed its work. Sverker Sörlin, Professor of Environmental Histor...

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  • EHL Professor Represented when Nature Revealed Research Papers that Policy Documents Cite Most

    KTH Library
    Published Apr 22, 2024

    In April, the journal Nature presented an exclusive analysis, that shows that economics and interdisciplinary teams get the most attention of policymakers. Professor of environmental history, Sverker ...

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  • The people have their say on climate change

    A river that has overflowed its banks.
    According to research, climate change will lead to more extreme weather events. The image shows the flooding of the river Svartån in Västerås last autumn (Photo: Mostphotos).
    Published Mar 13, 2024

    A newly formed citizens' climate assembly will provide new perspectives on the great issue of our time. Sverker Sörlin, professor and one of the citizens' climate assembly's two mentors, believes the ...

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  • Meet the new Director of the EHL - Robert Gioielli

    Published Jan 31, 2024

    Robert Gioielli joins us as an associate professor in environmental humanities at the Division of History of Science, Technology, and Environment and as the new Director of the KTH Environmental Human...

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  • New Report on AI, Sustainability and Agenda 2030

    Published Jan 03, 2024

    EHL scholars Sabine Höhler, Erik Ljungberg and Adam Wickberg contribute in the In the newly published WASP-HS report "AI, Sustainability and Agenda 2030". Their part focuses on the politics and episte...

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  • First Stockholm Archipelago Lecture on-site since 2019- given by Michelle Bastian on 7th December

    Published Nov 21, 2023

    The Stockholm Archipelago Lectures are part of the public activities of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory and have been since David Lowenthal gave the inspiring inaugural lectures in 2012, t...

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  • Doomsday in culture – now and then

    Published Nov 21, 2023

    Hear Sverker Sörlin etc. talk about how the judgment day has been portrayed in art, literature and music throughout the ages, and what does a modern judgment day look like? With music and conversation...

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  • “How sustainable is the Green Transition in Northern Sweden?: Past visions and future prospects”

    Published Nov 14, 2023

    New seminar series Advancing Sustainability in the Arctic and Beyond launched with a lecture by Prof. Sverker Sörlin

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  • Linnaeus Prize awarded to Division Professor Sverker Sörlin

    Published Nov 13, 2023
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  • Re-launch of the EHL podcast Intervention with guest James Dunk on Planetary Health

    James Dunk holding EHL's first brown bag seminar of the fall, on planetary mental health
    Published Oct 19, 2023

    The EHL podcast Intervention is again active and our first guest on the podcast is James Dunk, research fellow at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sydney.

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  • KTH and Professors from the Division and the EHL cited by the Pope

    Vatican City: Photo Jae Park, Unsplash
    Published Oct 06, 2023

    On the third and fourth of October, the Pope has issued his Laudate Deum on the climate issue in a number of languages. Of three contemporary academics he cites, two are professors at the Division and...

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  • The Division co-organizes ESEH 2025

    Published Sep 28, 2023

    We are happy to share that the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, co-organize the Europen Society for Environmental History conference in 2025 with the proposed theme Climate ...

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  • The disaster in Libya shows how the climate crisis and its costs have been exported

    Published Sep 18, 2023

    Adam Wickberg writes in DN about how the floods in Eastern Libya underline the discussion on the driving forces of climate change, arguing it is not capitalism itself but rather the rapidly growing un...

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  • Centre of Anthropocene History at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment

    John Martin (1789-1854) ‘The Great Day of His Wrath’ c. 1853 (detail) Public domain
    Published Aug 08, 2023

    We are beyond proud to share the news that Sabine Höhler and the Division has been rewarded nearly 30 million Swedish kronor by VR (the Swedish Research Council) to establish a Centre of Excellence in...

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  • New PhD Course: Emotions, environment, and climate: Affects and the environmental humanities

    Published Jun 27, 2023

    Welcome to apply for a course that explores issues concerning sustainability through analysing the societal, political, and affective dimensions of the climate crisis. The course combines two lively r...

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  • New episode of the SPHERE-podcast

    Published Jun 22, 2023

    Paul Ehrlich on Environment, Population and a Lifetime Journey through Science and Politics

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  • The threat of a hostile AI turns into a PR stunt

    Published Jun 19, 2023

    The only ones who profit from the image of a dangerous super intelligence are the tech companies

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  • Historical Epistemologies of Planetary Modelling Workshop in June

    Published May 26, 2023

    Together with the Max Planck institute the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory (EHL) is co-organising a three day workshop with the help of the Spore Initiative Berlin. This event brings together ...

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  • Sverker Sörlin Awarded the Birger Norman prize, 2023

    Published May 22, 2023

    Birger Norman (1914-1995) was a Swedish author, journalist and sociologist. The prize is given to a recipient who has "worked in the spirit of Birger Norman"

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