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EHL News

  • The DHST Dissertation Prize to Johan Gärdebo

    Published May 04, 2021

    We are happy to announce that Johan Gärdebo was awarded the DHST Dissertation Prize for his doctoral thesis “Environing Technology: Swedish satellite remote sensing in the making of environment, 1969–...

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  • New Article on Environmental History of Migration of Italians in Argentina

    Published Mar 25, 2021

    Valisena, D., & Canovi, A. (2021). A tale of two plains: Migrating landscapes between Italy and Argentina 1870–1955. Modern Italy, 1-16. doi:10.1017/mit.2021.8

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  • Occupy Climate Change! Goes Global

    PDF of the event program. To read the program in text, please visit the link to the event below.
    Published Mar 17, 2021

    Occupy Climate Change! calls up a coalition of researchers and students to explore and foster new social imaginaries to change the system, not the climate. Four workshops to meet, discuss and plan our...

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  • The EHL VideoDictionary at the Environment & Society Portal

    Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash
    Published Mar 08, 2021

    The Environment & Society Portal - an initiative by the Rachel Carson Center - is a gateway to open access resources on the human-environment relationship. The EHL VideoDictionary is a teaching tool c...

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  • KTH Student? Apply for a Course at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment!

    Published Feb 25, 2021

    Are you interested in the technology and politics that set the frame for how people build and shape the environment? Do you want to explore how science and technology have been used to make sense of t...

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  • Harnessing the Heat Below our Feet - New Grant for Ethemcan Turhan and Marco Armiero

    Photo by Matt Palmer, Unsplash
    Published Feb 04, 2021

    Ethemcan Turhan was granted 3 million Swedish kronor, for a three year project with focus on socio-technical pathways to geothermal energy, from Formas/the Swedish Research Council. The project is a c...

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  • The STREAMS are coming!

    Published Jan 29, 2021

    We are happy to announce that STREAMS will come back this August as an online event. STREAMS is an international conference for the Environmental Humanities (EH) that gathers researchers from a wide r...

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  • Letter in Science about China's importance for ocean sustainability

    Published Jan 14, 2021
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  • Political Dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation - New Master Thesis Available

    Published Dec 16, 2020

    During the fall, master student Anusha Batool Sherazi, under the supervision of Division researcher Ethemcan Turhan, finished the thesis "Political Dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation - Framing Fi...

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  • The 9th Archipelago Lecture in Recording

    Published Nov 27, 2020

    We were honored to have Achille Mbembe as the lecturer for our 9th Archipelago Lecture. With the title "Reflections on Planetary Habitability" Achille revisited the concept of “planetary habitability...

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  • Chapter by Salvatore Paolo De Rosa et al. in Risks and Challenges of Hazardous Waste Management

    Cover of the book
    Published Oct 23, 2020

    Our own Salvatore Paolo De Rosa together with Lucio Righetti and Annamaria Martuscelli, has written the chapter A Case Study on Grassroots Environmentalism for Health and Sustainability in the Land of...

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  • Marco Armiero in: Tell the Story. Trauma as an Environmental Issue. Or, The Personal Is Ecopolitical

    Published Oct 14, 2020

    Marco Armiero joined a webinar in Serenella Iovino's course: Entangled Emergencies. Theories (and Stories) to Think with the Virus. An Environmental Humanities Approach at the University of North Caro...

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  • Roberta Biasillo in the fortcoming Fennia - International Journal of Geography

    Published Sep 23, 2020

    Biasillo's paper explores several conundrums concerning environmental migration in social sciences and demonstrates how historical perspectives can problematize and unsettle various automatisms that a...

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  • Valentine Gabrielle Huet Publishes Master Thesis Supervised by Ethemcan Turhan

    Published Sep 01, 2020

    The master thesis "Infrastructure Projects and Climate Change Adaption in the Era of Grassrotts Movement Resurgence: Suggestions for Transformational Actions" is now available in DiVA. Key words: c...

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  • New blogpost up on STREAMS

    Published Aug 19, 2020
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  • Call for abstracts – International Workshop on Walking and Heritage

    Published Jul 02, 2020

    Do you conduct research on walking, trails and heritage? We are planning an anthology on this topic, where we will investigate the role of history in the creation and articulation of walking trails, a...

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  • Environmental history of modern migrations

    Published Jun 03, 2020
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  • The transformative potential of a disaster: A contextual analysis of the 1882 flood in Verona, Italy

    Published Dec 16, 2019

    Roberta Biasillo and Marco Armiero´s article in the Journal of Historical Geography is now available online

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  • The Proletarian Lung fighting waste colonialism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Published Oct 10, 2019
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  • Marco Armiero and Kati Lindström in the board for ESEH

    Published Aug 27, 2019

    Marco was elected President, and Kati as Regional Representative, Baltic Countries into the ESEH this weekend in Tallin.

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