Research activities within the Division of Computational Science and Technology (CST) are particularly focused on:
understanding and modelling physical and biological systems including the information processing and learning capabilities of the human brain;
computational techniques including high-performance algorithms, adaptive methods, partial differential equations, networks, machine learning, and visual data analysis; and
efficient, parallel environments together with advanced visualization and interaction capabilities.
High-performance Computing (HPC)
HPC plays a pivotal role in advancing scientific research, engineering, and technological innovation across diverse fields. We perform research on various aspects of HPC, including parallel programming models; parallel and distributed algorithms and applications; performance monitoring, modeling, analysis and optimization; parallel computer architecture; as well as quantum computing (QC).
Computational Biology and Machine Learning in Biomedicine
We are located at SciLifeLab, Sweden’s main centre for high-throughput biology, and work on computational problems in molecular biology, primarily related to evolution and genomics.
Research projects within the group consists of Quantum Thermodynamics and heat in open quantum systems, non-equilibrium physics on the meso-scale and inverse statistical mechanics.
We perform research on (i) computational modelling of biological brain function and on (ii) developing theory, algorithms and software for building computer systems that can perform brain-like functions.
The research in numerical methods combines fundamental research in mathematics and computer science, with applied research in interdisciplinary projects across different research environments, with industry and society.
We investigate the possibility of extending the Message Passing Interface (MPI) to support streaming and communication-offloading models on supercomputers to support scientific applications with irregular fine-grained communication.
There are three subtopics in Visualization at KTH: visualization and data analysis, interactive virtual characters and computer game technologies and human-centered visualization.