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Bookable rooms

AlbaNova houses 2 large auditoria, 2 seminar rooms and 11 lecture rooms which may be booked for research, teaching or related purposes.

You can see whether a room is available by checking in KTH's room booking tool. Web:

Rooms for teaching are booked by the administrators responsible for scheduling the lectures before the semester, and after the schedule is set the rooms become available for booking by others. You can book rooms via the center's receptionist, tel 08-790 9833 or e-mail

Please contact the reception (08-790 9833) for information about the prices for booking seminar and lecture rooms and auditoria.

Due to the current covid-19 pandemic the capacity of the lecture and seminar rooms has changed. See the covid-19 response page, here.


There are two large auditoria in the main building. Both have complete sets of audiovisual equipment. Both are connected by tunnel to the demonstration laboratory building (Roslagstullsbacken 33; house 1), so demonstration equipment can be easily transferred.

  • Oskar Klein Auditorium
    Capacity ca 265 persons.
    Located in the rotunda, entrance from level 4, one flight of stairs down from the main entrance. For wheelchair users there is an additional entrance on level 3, through the tunnel (ask at reception).
    Room code when booking: FR4.
  • The Svedberg Hall
    Capacity ca 112 persons.
    Entrance from level 4 next to the lecture rooms, or from level 5 next to the lifts/elevators in the main stairwell. For wheelchair users there is an additional entrance on level 3, from the glass hall (ask at reception).
    Room code when booking: FD5.

Seminar rooms

There are two large seminar rooms on level 3 in the main building, opposite the restaurant, which can be booked for seminars, committee meetings, etc.

  • Seminar room 1
    Capacity ca 30
    Room number: A3:1069
    Room code for bookings: FA31
  • Seminar room 2
    Capacity ca 50
    Room number: A3:1077
    Room code for bookings: FA32

Lecture halls

In the eastern part of the main building there are eight lecture rooms on levels 4 and 5, and two more on level 2 and 4 of Roslagstullsbacken 33 (house 1).

Lecture rooms on level 5 in the main building:

  • FB51
    Capacity ca 30 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB51
  • FB52
    Capacity ca 60 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB52
  • FB53
    Capacity ca 60 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB53
  • FB54
    Capacity ca 40 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB54
  • FB55
    Capacity ca 30 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB55

Lecture rooms on level 4 in the main building

  • FB41
    Capacity ca 30 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB41
  • FB42
    Capacity ca 60 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FB42
  • FD41
    Capacity ca 30 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FD41

Lecture rooms at Roslagstullsbacken 33 (House 1)

  • FP41
    Capacity ca 40 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FP41
  • FP21
    Capacity 28 persons
    Room code for bookings: FP21
  • FP22
    Capacity 28 persons.
    Room code for bookings: FP22