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BSc/MSc thesis offers

There are possibilities to carry out bachelor (BSc) and master (MSc) thesis projects at our division.

Master thesis projects

The nominal length of the master thesis projects is 20 weeks (30 ECTS) although in certain cases other durations may be possible. Some of the projects are partially carried out abroad.

In the KTH Degree Project Portal, you can find all the projects that SPP is offering right now: KTH Degree Project Portal  (click on 'degree thesis', 'engineering physics' and use the search term 'KTH')

A list of recently completed MSc theses at the division is available here .

If you want to know more about thesis projects at SPP, contact study director Tomas Karlsson (tomask@kth.se).

Bachelor thesis projects

Bachelor thesis projects (first cycle degree projects) are offered each year in spring as part of the electrical engineering bachelor thesis course EF112X. The project selection takes place each year from 1-15 November via Internet. For more information, go the the  EF112X info page . There, you also find a BsC project catalog with descriptions of all projects that are offered in Spring 2024. SPP projects appear under context I and J in the catalogue.

A list of recently completed BSc theses at the division is available here .

If you want to know more about bachelor thesis projects at SPP, contact the responsible for the EF112X bachelor course, Anita Kullen (kullen@kth.se).