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Past Bachelor Thesis Projects

The list of Bachelor thesis finished at Space and Plasma Physics division:


  • (BSc) Nikolaos Timoudas & Maxim Uebel, Observations of Field-Aligned Currents and Their Role in Auroral Formation.
  • (BSc) Cecilie Holmen & Mattias Wang, Cusp Aurora Appearing at the Dayside tip of Transpolar Arcs - Dependence on IMF and Dipole Tilt.
  • (BSc) Johan Höglund & Axel Lindberg, Ultra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves at the Saturn Bow Shock.
  • (BSc) Aulon Nura & Isac Engblom, James Webb Space Telescope Observations of Jupiter’s Moon Europa.
  • (BSc) Oscar Lundin & Olof Helgesson, Using the James Webb Space Telescope to Find Carbon Dioxide on Ganymede.
  • (BSc) Balder Jörsäter & Viktor EK, Implementation of Autopilot in a Fixed Wing UAV.
  • (BSc) Arian Kourangi Esfahani & Sizhuo Li, Achieving Autonomous Landing of Fixed Wing UAVs.
  • (BSc) Joel Widén & Benjamin Girchman, Aurora-Imaging UAV Cameras.
  • (BSc) Zeke Lundkvist & Edvin Holmberg, Optimization of the battery system in the ALPHA drone.
  • (BSc) Walter Sjöström & Emil Wesolowski, Design of a Photovoltaic Power Management System for a Forest Fire Surveillance UAV.
  • (BSc) Daniel Nedlich & August Näsman, Near-Real Time Forest Fire Monitoring System From an UAV.


  • (BSc) Sofie Berglund & Alice Wallner, Using satellite data to calculate entropy of electrons at collisionless shocks
  • (BSc) Marcus Mhanna, Characterisation of Satellite Onboard Magnetometer for MIST
  • (BSc) Leonardo Filippeschi, Wave Propagation Experiment on FPGA with Miniaturized Payload for Sounding Rocket
  • (BSc) Erik Barsby & Casper Augustsson Savinov, Building A Fixed Wing Autonomous UAV
  • (BSc) Lucia Karens & Tawsiful Islam, Obtaining Pitch Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Through System Identification
  • (BSc) Jacob Hjort Friderichsen & David Jönsson, Electric Propulsion for a High Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle


  • (BSc) Karl Bergson Hallberg, Electron Acceleration at Earth Bow Shock
  • (BSc) Ebba Blom & Wilhelm Branner, Search for Water Plumes on Jupiter’s Moon Europa
  • (BSc) Jakob Nylöf & Koray Amico Kulbay, High Altitude Glider Solution for Returning From Space
  • (BSc) Jennifer Ly & Orgil Jargalsaikhan, Deployable wing structure for the FFU
  • (BSc) Ludvig Ringaby & Mathias Schmekel, Simulation and Control System Design for Autonomous Gliding to a Given Location
  • (BSc) Alexander Malmberg & Oskar Munter, Power and Electronics in Autonomous Glider for Sounding Rocket Experiments


  • (BSc) Carl Lundquist & Fredrik Cumlin, Methods for Studying Influence of Io Magma Ocean on Alfven Wings
  • (BSc) Jens Eilers Bischoff & Sebastian Jovancic, Variability of Io’s Aurora and the Moon’s Footprint on Jupiter
  • (BSc) Elina Arvidsson & Rickard Brunskog, Methods for Estimating the Magnetic Dipole Moment of Small Objects
  • (BSc) Emelie Modin, Estimating Charging on a Sounding Rocket Experiment Using Plasma Simulation
  • (BSc) Albert Jansson & Andreas Lezdins, Student Rocket Experiment B2D2 - Power System


  • (BSc) Roman Kurenko Landin & Balwan Rana, The Atmospheric SO2 Distribution and Volcanic Activity on Io. DIVA   
  • (BSc) Jacob Cederlund & Carmen Dahlin, Analysis of the ion Composition in the Io Plasma Torus From Observations by the New Horizons Mission. DIVA  
  • (BSc) Carl Daniel Ahlberg & Wera Mauritz, Modeling Far Ultraviolet Auroral Ovals at Ganymede. DIVA