Extreme Events

While extreme events shape societies, societies in turn shape extreme events. Humans respond and adapt to consequences of extreme events (i.e., floods, drought, hearwaves,…) in a variety of ways that include both structural and non-structural intervention, formal and informal strategies. While on the short terms these measures might be successful, on the long term they might backfire and increase risk due to extreme events, rather than reduce it. Understanding how extreme events affect societies and how in turn societies might affect extreme events is a powerful step forward to sustainable management of hydrological risk.
Ongoing projects
- CASCADE: Combining Advanced Systems for Climate Adaptation and Disaster Enhancement in Stockholm
ReForMit: Understanding and securing the resilience of forest-based climate change mitigation
- The missing link: how does the climate affect human conflicts and cooperation through water?
- Science for a secure society: Hydro-climatic hazard, risk, and crisis management in Sweden (CrisAct)